El Darto

Make a video series. With this car you will give Doug DeMuro a run for his money on the number of views you will get. If this one doesn’t work out I know someone who is about to sell a 944 Turbo that’s worth about $4k. He’s put well over $15k in it over the past 4 years and it is still worth exactly $4k.

Everything that breaks on a Beetle is a common problem.

We want to be proud of our engineers and astronauts, and we should be.

“What the fu..? Oh, left the parking break on.”

Orlove, bless his heart, is challenged by which side of a car is supposed to face upwards. This is well documented.

That would also penalize tall people, who already have to deal with the legroom issue.

a quick 5th grade math refresher:

“We both have the exact same space as before.”

Holding in a fart is uncomfortable. Why on earth would someone choose to endure this torture? So as not to be perceived as a dick? I just don’t get it. The option to fart is there so use it.

Club Mazda welcomes drivers from all walks of life. We do not judge, we do not threaten, we do not belittle. Come.

I’ma GM guy, but I do like Fords trucks. They make a beautiful lawn ornament.

I said this over on the Gizmodo article, which is just slightly below Gawker Prime in attracting right wing crackheads, and will say it again here. Ben Carson needs to have his medical license stripped. he is a lying pandering jackass using fear to advance a political agenda, which is his right. But he then loses the

Huh. This is how it usually goes for me:

I’m sorry, are you out here arguing against saying “Hello?” when answering the phone?

Is doesn’t take a bird lover to know that the Jayhawk is closely related to the Swallow.

Maybe some non-english speaking immigrant held the door for her on the way in?

Another proud graduate from Midvale School for the Gifted.

I once broke off a bolt in a engine block while replacing a head gasket. I couldn't get it out, a mechanic couldn't get t out (only charged me $80 for the attempt). In the end I had to swap ou t the entire engine for my Subaru