El Darto

Do you know what is great? Airplane seats aren’t 90 degrees.

Try adding 3 inches of height. See how well that works.

So your right to be comfortable trumps the other passengers right to be comfortable?

My knees hit the seat in front of me. Due to that, any recline of the seat in front of me results in my knees being crushed into their back. So based on your logic, should I never fly again, or should I grab my hacksaw and cut my legs off at the hip?

Doooo youu feeeeel like I do?

Or in Phoenix a cool summer day.

That is a bitchin van.

If I get some free time this weekend, I will stop by.

They do.

They legally cannot refuse warranty service for that. Look up the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act.


In AZ, I can't legally drive with more than 1 passenger until I am 18 anyway. I see no point in her argument.

My mother for some reason wants the opposite. She wants me to get a modern 4 door automatic sedan. I have no idea what she is thinking.

Speed doesn’t kill.

Have you recovered physically from the event?

You learn a new meaning of underpowered when you drive a Westy on the freeway.


Topmost Gear with the Stiq.

Never heard that one. I like it though!