El Darto

I always go with universal blocks, because If you get a new card, you don't need to replace the block, but swap it over and put on some new RAM and VRM Heatsinks. Also, you will need at least a 360 rad for a GPU and CPU loop.

I did this in an SUV 4 months ago...

When you say "diabetic treatments" you are completely ignoring anybody with type 1...

Yep. And I can say the moon is cheese. That doesn't make it true.

I just did a CPU and GPU loop for $140. Do you know anybody in China that can hook you up with some Chinese water cooling components?

Although these cars had electric power steering, so even without assist it was all that hard to turn.

Not to come across as harsh, but how do you crash a car when the ignition shuts off? The only affected car I have driven is an Ion, but that was a manual and I had no problem steering or stopping when I stalled (repeatedly). Did the steering column lock activate?

Yeah... Bose isn't all that great either...

But its $500... I will stick to doing it myself thank you very much. And I do this for a living lol.

I thought everyone used one... My grandfather told me to always use one before I drill a hole. Lol

Try a SMC reset.

Damn. That is incredibly unfortunate.

Exactly. And people wonder why the US does so poorly in terms of education. Or maybe it is just AZ.

I want one so bad. I have no idea why, I just like them a lot.

I just switched from a charter school (BASIS. It was a great school) to a public school. It is rather unfortunate. The science teacher doesn't even believe in evolution. She claims it's just a theory. Gravity is also "just a theory." It is sad how bad public schools are.

Can someone do that for my 15th? Or my 14 and a half? Please?

I think you should just leave. Like now. The pitchforks and torches are coming.

"Just a few short hours" how about 43 a week?

Ohhh it was just overheating. That is a really easy fix.