Reddit CEO Ellen Pao



Have a great day!

Known about since the beginning of gaming news as a thing


If you want to make a point about the worst aspects of the gaming community just drop the word and they will come out of the woodwork to cry their stupid tears into the comments.

You mean like exposing conflicts of interest in reviewers getting soft bribes for favorable coverage of a product?

I always preferred a handwritten, “Not being able to park between the lines doesn’t give you access to handicap parking, jackwagon!” note.

Wake me up when they quit it with this open world offline MMO shit

Wait, I thought it was the Trumpettes that were going to be shitty and salty and contest the election results?

Still not interested, even at 50% off.

Still not interested, even at 50% off.

There’s fuckin’, and there’s makin’ love.

Yes and no. Let me clarify that by saying that I “grudge-bought” both XIII and XIII-2. I did not play (nor did I even really know that there was a) XIII-3.

FF12 was the nail in the coffin for me. To see that they’re returning to the horribly ill-advised open world wandering mobs style of 12 is a guaranteed no-buy from me.

But then all the water spills everywhere

Without *manufactured* tools.

To benefit his own sense of moral superiority, some white guy gets all hysterical about some shit that doesn’t affect him at all

I’m an adult, that’s how.

Maybe they should consider producing cars in America, where they intend to sell them.