Someone already found that Blood Gem, and it’s the “disconnected” type that’s not hyper into the communal baloney, I guarantee it.
Someone already found that Blood Gem, and it’s the “disconnected” type that’s not hyper into the communal baloney, I guarantee it.
I mean, either way it sucks. Either it doesn’t exist, or it basically doesn’t exist for a large majority of gamers. Maybe when the Switch drops, the U will drop in price enough to justify me buying it just for B2 and whatever Zelda titles I missed.
IMO, whether that was a smart decision or not is debatable. I can’t find figures for the original, but according to vgchartz, 2 barely broke 750k copies.
> Gotta do a few ninja turtles so you make a Bayonetta
Being a particular console exclusive for a console not known to cater to the target demographic of games like Bayonetta 2 certainly didn’t help Bayonetta 2, either.
Hooray! This frees up P* to work on hopefully non-exclusive titles!
Wow, a commenter from The Blog Network Formerly Known As Gawker Media Empire making something not about race about race...I’m shocked!
Hell, Boss Hog once drank 73 beers on a cross country flight and still managed to pitch a no-hitter the next day!
Fucking Prima Donna. This shit wouldn’t last a fucking minute under Bellichek’s watch. Say what you will about the man, but they cut the cancer out fast.
Yoko would get destroyed in the West by loud-mouthed, obnoxious culture critics.
Really important games journalism, here. Y’all should just rename the site Kotaku: The Art of Making Mountains Out of Molehills
Jesus fucking christ
In my groggy morning horniness,I’ve ‘accidentally’(read: trying to fuck with one eye half open) tried pushed up against that hole, and it’s a decidedly different experience all together. Even from the outside, it just doesn’t feel like the same hole. Unless we’ve both generously lubed up, it’s not just sliding in…
I got my 5* Noct so no fucks to give rn
Cutting edge tech news. Glad this got shared on Gizmodo, The Gadget Guide.
The league has determined that Mr. Brady “may have been generally aware,” of a plot to further tattoo Mr Hernandez. Mr. Brady is expelled from the league and The Patriots lose first round draft picks for the next 12,000 seasons.
Fuck you, and fuck whomever thought this was wanted as a xpost on Gizmodo.