
I was gifted a Mont Blanc, and their refills, especially the fineliner are the nicest writing pens I’ve ever used.

It’s an International. Dead Parrot Sketch is probably more appropriate.

Serbias him right.

Chicken salad sandwich, Egg salad sandwich, tuna salad sandwich, salmon salad hot dog.

That’s what he said...

It’s your identity document, not a family tree. In many places, you’re probably better off not having your entire list of guardians and dependents listed.

No. Passport is the gold standard identity document, but it doesn’t list guardians or dependents.

The Rockies did that. The Av’s are westward migrating Nordiques

Old XC 90 platform. Same as Ford Five Hundred/Taurus/MKT/Flex

Former MKT owner, they’re great. Especially with the 3.5 EcoBoost. 365hp, 360 torques. AWD, seating for up to seven, and mine had a legit fridge in the second row. Made ice on roadtrips. Also massive victims of depreciation.

Worms? Did someone say worms? I know all about those guys!

I think the ability to take a hike physically inside people, a’la the Fantastic Voyage is way more interesting than being Mike TeeVee.

Music, like say “You’re the best” for your sanding montage?

Last car I purchased, I traded in equity positive, so in essence, I got my new car, and a cheque back from the dealership for the difference in price between my trade and the new wheels. Of course they couldn’t cut a cheque right then, and said come back Tuesday. Fair enough. The dealer is out of my way, but I roll up

As a non-American, but otherwise a member of the “privileged” group, I know my words don’t carry the same weight. But as the father of a fourth grade boy, I can’t express how proud you must be of your son, and I know the world is a better place for having him in it.

...uh yes. People with mental health conditions should absolutely have therapy.

Thats not true. Many many truckloads of thoughts and prayers are en route.

I’ve had a b6 Passat wagon and a MkV jetta. 80K miles is when you’re starting to roll the dice. Jetta we had for a decade, and once it rolled about 83K the electrical gremlins started coming out to play in the sunroof. It was gone within a week.

The fact that it’s 30 years later and you know what I’m talking about would say otherwise. Can you name me some other “critical darlings” from the same period as easily, or drop some quotes from them?

There is nothing wrong with a good ol’ Summer movie. Not everything needs to be a treatise in four parts with deep cultural and meta undertones. Once upon a time, going to the movies was supposed to be fun. There was CaddyShack, and Meatballs, and Fast Times, and none of these things made any sense, other than to