
Needs more Clown Shoe.

There’s no chance there’s that fat of a margin in the device. All you have to do is look what all of the peer devices sell for, and they’re all pushing that top end. The $$ is in the ecosystem and the ancillary spend.

There’s no chance there’s that fat of a margin in the device. All you have to do is look what all of the peer devices sell for, and they’re all pushing that top end. The $$ is in the ecosystem and the ancillary spend.

So what you’re saying is that you want the new iPhone to be $7K?

Well since Capt. Slow is already taken, I guess that means that Stef will have to get the promotion and be Major Slow. :)

Ding Ding

The fur clad women or the bikers?

Especially with a nice breadcrumb crust, some home made tomato sauce and buffalo mozzarella.

That is some bomb-ass weed.

I believe the appropriate term is “Road Crayon”

I think it’s good, and long overdue. I was not aware of Ms. Desmond’s story and history, I believe that as Canadians we don’t recognize our own history enough, the good, bad and great. Although I question the “first non-royal women” on a note part, as the Famous Five were on the old $50. (also deservedly so)

Counter counterpoint. I don’t think Brew Dog gives a fig what anyone thinks, and does what they do because they think it’s right.

I think English(Scottish) humor is often lost on Americans. Brew Dog is an amazing inclusive company, and I think their main error is that they figured Americans as a whole were smart enough to get the joke and be in on it. Gallows humor, or making a funny out of a dire situation is practically a trade in Scotland,

Apparently I’ve been told by more than one person that it has a membrane, not unlike on the inside of pork ribs, that holds that wonderful shit like dirt taste. You remove it, boom delightful dense white fish.

I drink Guinness instead for my Fe.

Counterpoint. Hay Merchant here in Houston does fried pigs ears as bar snacks with a wonderful spicy/savory/sweet salt, cut into small strips, they are delightful.

Ok, slide your fingers in, point them towards the top, feel around for a little raised section that feels a bit different and then press gently. No honey, honestly, that’s how I open my tailgate...https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/find-g-spot 

Three languages - English, Mandarin and Spanish. I’d really be tempted to go with like Aramaic and Egyptian Hieroglyphics to go full Indiana Jones and be a true cunning linguist...