
To be fair, most of Emirates’ Pilots are North American.

it goes back to 2009 as that was the last time the formula for equalization was amended. Per capita Alberta and Saskatchewan and Newfoundland, followed closely by Ontario get boned in redistribution of federal funds. All receiving well below the average.

I googled it from the Department of Finance, so take it for what you will. Just because you want to think somewhere isn’t getting a raw deal doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Unlike your comments so far, I’ve at least provided you the actual data/comments

I would seriously suggest that Alberta has disproportionately contributed. Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland have never received transfer payments.

So instead Eastern Canada will continue to buy their oil from the Mid-East Petro States and directly support oppression and terrorism, instead of supporting those horrible domestic employers.

So does this mean my entry of Steamy, the dancing Zyklon-B canister didn’t win?

Actually the porn one is Rule 34.

Bob Cole is a fucking tragedy. Leaf homer who didn’t know who anyone was for the last 10 years. He was a legend when there were only six teams, and has been decreasing in quality since. Only person worse is Howie Meeker.


+1 Bosnia Herzegovina

Remember, you can’t spell LOSER without LSU!


It needs the ultimate U.S. Road Trip. Brownsville to Deadhorse.

Helpful tip:

For your sympathy, the average home price on that section of River Oaks Blvd. is likely in the $7-10M range. These are people with lots of money, and hire people to whine on their behalf so they don’t lose their amateur status.

You could certainly sewer this conversation was going.

Thought process of solo wedding participant: Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me. It’s all about me, me, me. Gimmie, gimmie, me, me, me, me, me, me. Lookit me, lookit me, me, me, me.

Hats went away for the most part because of Kennedy. He didn’t wear one for the inauguration, and everyone wanted to be like him. Up until that point they were pretty much commonplace.

That’s because PK is the shit. Anyone that gives him a hard time deserves an ass kicking.

Well this is awkward. If you’re a season ticket holder. Tough crap, as the team already has all your money for this season, plus a PSL if there is one for the stadium. If you’re not a season ticket holder, the team doesn’t give a flying fig, as you’re not really part of their revenue stream anyways. Now you’re