You’ll always have Hockey and Lacrosse
You’ll always have Hockey and Lacrosse
They just announced that they’ll be attending the White House reception.
He was chasing that fucking Drop Bear that was taking out the cops brakes.
Look at Mr. Fancy with his string. We used rusted barbed wire, and the sponge was pulled from the recycle bin at the homeless shelter.
When making your standard pulled pork, utilize the good Doctor and some hoisin along with a shot of sriracha as a marinade, and then use in place of water/broth/beer that you would normally add to the cooking cycle of the pot.
You don’t need a power port, just do wireless charging, a la your phone. The technology is already out for cars
All I know is that I need to see Dr. Pepper and a pork butt in an InstantPot or I will be deeply disappointed in this series.
Part of the challenge is that the Canadian system allows a larger number of people per capita. The change to the US system will result in a significant drop in the overall number of immigrants. If they implemented the Canadian system whole cloth, it would actually increase above current numbers.
Agreed. Also the best end credits scene.
And a little bit of hate. Fuck those guys.
Every marathon begins with a first step.
So would you rather have a semi-clueless ally or a fully clueless neutral/enemy?
When they make one that will light a cigar, I’m in.
When they make one that will light a cigar, I’m in.
What about Hawt Ridez? Motto - Our word is your bond.
Take your star...
You think that’s effective? You should try it as a logo...
Damn Drop Bears are just toying with you. Look at that face. It’s just like the one out of the Twilight Zone that tore that engine apart. “Hiding” my ass. She was taking out the brakes.