For sheer giggles you should do an MKT. GIANT grille, teeny intake.
She’s just trying to help. Now that the Flames may move, she’s relocating the Coyotes.
Was in Johannesburg for work and had a free day on the weekend, so looked at getting a rental for a daytrip out to Pilanesberg National Park to see some wildlife. Unfortunately most of their rentals were stick, and while manual is my preferred choice at home, I made the decision that driving on the opposite side of…
Luddite. “Everyone” knows that Kopi Luwak comes from Indonesia, not Africa. Besides civet cats loooove coffee beans, especially in electrified little cages where that’s all they get to eat. Seven dollars, what are we, in the suburbs? Quality at this level demands at least $12. Seven will get you some of that…
The first time Calgary got the Flames. The second time is when the Thrashers left.
To be fair on a couple accounts, the 1.8b figure included a new football stadium and field house along with $500M in environmental remediation to an old creosote plant. Calgary is also in need of a new stadium. The Saddledome is 35 years old and the roof will not support current touring acts, so they go to Edmonton…
Skay =/= dude.
Edward wasn’t enough for you?
60% of the time it works every time.
We won’t even get into the cute girls. If I know I’m turning into a dog every day, I’m moving to a university neighborhood, doggy door, and a shitty fence.
It’s got an E for Evil right in it’s name. Think of it more like the X in BMWs with AWD. You know if you see one with that X (or E) the owner is a malicious assclown. As opposed to the regular assclown owners.
Torch - Until I see actual evidence of willful cruelty, I’m going to give BB-9E the benefit of the doubt that he’s just doing the jobs he was programmed for.
Didn’t the last time this came up as a blind item, the hive mind broke it down to being Martin Sheen?
Reliability and resale.
Grom 100x over this thing.