
I have a theory. Has anyone seen Elon lately...

We were at the Hermitage last fall, and I was genuinely gobsmacked at the lack of barriers/shields/guards/anything around the displays. In their Impressionist wing, you can literally nose up against the Van Goghs, Picassos and Matisses with impunity. Only the DaVincis were under glass/lexan. Of course I’m sure the

Sticking with sure bets makes you undefeated. Kind words will get you farther than a natty suit that will have airplane stink on it when you’re done.

You have to cheer for a university that has fewer students than your average mid-sized high school.

In her defense, she was an incredible philanthropist and art collector, and a large number of her pieces have been donated to the MFAHouston. She also helped design the Kennedy Center. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ima_Hogg 

Blue Rhino Propane exchange for battery packs. Heck of an idea. Make a roof mount rack and you’re golden.

“Jews can’t replace us” because there’s no way Jewish people are that stupid.

Using something for its intended purpose is hardly abuse. It’s the nature of the beast in the environment that you live in.

Grab him by his buckin’ ears and kick him in his buckin’ nuts.

TV revenue is guaranteed as long as a game is being played. If you’re the NFL, the vast, vast majority is TV money. The stadia could be empty and they’re still going to make bank. This is also why the NFL could be doomed long term. At least in the NHL most of the cash is gate driven.

I think there is blame on both sides. You had a group on one side that pink slime. You had a group on the other side that was also very slimy. Nobody wants to say that. I’ll say it right now.”

Never mind using Situation Normal, All Fucked Up, in a notice.

Chicory and beignets

Not true. They still have USC.

To everyone debating, the judgement said that the photog lost $375K in profits since she was trashed.

As long as the book has no cover, I approve.

Solution to quiet e-racing. Each car has theme music. Playing. You can have the A-Team theme chasing the Dukes of Hazzard, who are pursuing Deutchland uber Alles, trailing is COPS.

Ex-wife has family in Great Falls. The story checks out as likely.