Have your star.
This is the new “I had to sell the Rolls because the ashtrays were full.”
He’s going to bet on basketball, get caught and work off his suspension in minor league baseball?
Fix it again Tony approved!
You mean 24 hours of taquito racing sponsored by the Kiwanis Club
Let me know if you need help putting that dislocated shoulder in place from patting yourself on the back. Probably not covered by Trumpcare. Neither is the butthurt.
I smell a crosspost to Jezebel
Well allow me to retort.
Can’t blame the owner that the 710 filler isn’t translated to French.
As a white male who also happens to be a dirty immigrant, the process isn’t that tough. We just put our papers in to start the citizenship process. Other than the fee of $750 and the 25 page questionnaire it’s pretty straight forward. The biggest hurdle seems to be the year wait for them to process everything.
That may very well be, but it won’t be in the NHL. CFL, potentially.
To be entirely fair, the goaltender, and all the other players are 13 years old. It was the Youth Lacrosse World Championship over the weekend in Denver.
The pulled quote is from the bill. What is self-defense, but timely retaliation? The thing is Texas has a semi-unique perspective on property crime stemming from when if someone stole your stuff, you likely died. That tradition has persisted through the last couple centuries and still remains. We can have a really…
She wouldn’t even make it to court. Try to find a Grand Jury that would indict her.
Clearly you’ve never been to Texas. Castle doctrine (which includes your vehicle) means no duty to retreat, and you are permitted to extend whatever force you need to to protect your “castle”. Multiple cases where the defender was either no-billed, or no charges were even presented to a grand jury.
It’s a Canadian sorry. We’re sorry you did not have a pleasurable experience having metal shards explosively directed at your face.
Mansfield was killed on US 90 if she was in New Orleans. I-90 runs from Seattle to Boston.
A NSFW tag in the headline may be appropriate. It’s great to see NSFW in the body, of course the entire post is downloaded now, and big as life on my screen...I wouldn’t be complaining if I wasn’t at work. Heck, I’m only complaining because it caught me by surprise.