I tend to agree, with an 8 figure number that begins with a 1. As an added bonus United just gave a fucking to AA, as the same lawyer is representing the lady from the stroller incident.
I tend to agree, with an 8 figure number that begins with a 1. As an added bonus United just gave a fucking to AA, as the same lawyer is representing the lady from the stroller incident.
Ice. Ice. Baby...
a. You’re not fooling anyone Phil Kessel
I shall dominate this game of GoBing and then drape my shoulders with the colors of my vanquished foes.
Hugh Jorgen
In a stunning twist, the Board should be cited for practicing law without a license.
Why does the rear axle float in the air for a second right before the end of the gif?
I searched the Google for us:
Were the girls hot, wearing less than bikinis? Rockman lovers driving Lamborghinis?
White Male Privilege. Knocking liberally on wood here, but in 10 years of living in Texas, being pulled over 8 times, zero tickets or infractions. Being polite, white, and older has distinct advantages. I’ve been pulled over on everything from a company truck to a sportbike at 1 a.m. and have gotten away with one…
You need the laminated list. If the name is on the list, you have a pass. Both have one.
Dusk ‘til Dawn
That’s ok, I’m an old professional too. Salma Hayek is my personal kryptonite.
Especially the ones designed by Hugo Boss.
What about perky Demolition Man phase?
As a Flames fan, it will be a cold day in Hell before I can bring myself to cheer for the Oilers now that the Flames are out. Go Kittys!
I’ll be there at turn 1.
I will however buy deeply discounted, ridiculously fast eggs.
That’s a lot of road rash and blown plastic damage waiting to happen.