The list is great, but it’s for our UK readers. It doesn’t apply to the US, as it’s put out by the AA.
The list is great, but it’s for our UK readers. It doesn’t apply to the US, as it’s put out by the AA.
I don’t care that you tore up your back yard, and your neighbor can suck a bag of dicks for not coming to talk to you first. My only issue is that its not YOUR yard. It’s your landlord’s. If they happened to be rational humans, not aliens learning our strange ways (or potentially transformers) your ass would be on…
Objectively, the Flames lost a Cup because of a poor call. We won’t discuss the poor call on the high stick the other night. It was marginal.
Aaron, that’s the wrong use of suspend. No wonder you only got 300 on your SAT.
The Edmonton Grads may have something to say about that whole “first” thing...
We go both ways.
Your taste buds didn’t change, they curled up and died because you extracted all of the joy out of their lives.
Can I be a co-sponsor on the Nice Pool Temperature Act? It always takes too long to heat up every spring.
Which was a response to San Jose fans booing the Canadian anthem a couple of nights earlier.
The current interceptor, while being a 3.5 ecoboost V-6 is true, it’s a Taurus. Not a Fusion. So the new boy is a bit smaller outside.
I’ve got 13's but a really high instep, so while my feet are narrow, I need mondo width just to get the damn thing in.
Fist in line? Now there’s a Freudian slip if ever I’ve seen one.
All Diplomatic Passports are black. Fastest way through any line.
Hawt take alert.
Damn that Pussy Galore!
Except they’ve done it previously, which is why the NHL is being all bitchy. They want, at the very least, the same deal as last time.
You know the person calling in is the golf equivalent of “Comic Book Guy”.
-1 Sandusky