
I have been thinking about this for some time.

That’s the post 2000 GOP, maybe post Nixon GOP even, in a nutshell. And it’s only getting more extreme with the rise of social media echo chambers.

...you are harassing and threatening the lives of the very American people you claim to hold so dear.

Well, a Russian invasion of your country is an actual threat to liberty, unlike mask and vaccine mandates.

Truck drivers could have helped the economy by using their vehicles to deliver goods to the American people. The rally cry seemed to be more, “I’m a little child and am not wearing a mask so I’m going to clog an international border causing distress to hundreds of thousands of people. 

Stopped clocks are right twice per day.

It’s good to see their terrible methods are at least being motivated by something meaningful instead of patently stupid.  

I live in Ottawa, I can confirm that everything MeteorMan said was a lie. You are correct. There were a lot of symbols of white supremacists. The vast majority of the protestors were white.

Except for, you know, THE ACTUAL NAZI FLAGS

Do your own research” is a dead givaway of basically anything they say is not factual and should be disregarded. Almost the same as when someone says I know my rights and constitution. They literally never do, nor have they taken any law classes.  These are a simple folk. You know, morons.

We already heard your message a thousand times over. You folks don't want to help your fellow Americans and are selfish pricks. Do us a favor and drive off a cliff.

you couldn’t be more wrong about this ... in Canada there were zero nazi flags and 1-2 confederate flags.”

Bless your little heart you do try but you are still a lying seditionist loser

And since you all saw what happened in Ottawa, you should not be fooled into thinking these dipshits are real truckers or give a shit about real ‘freedom’.

Usually, when people like you say “do some research”, it means you missed the whole point and pulled your info from whack job websites.

Wonder if these morons realize how dangerous the “non Government campus” areas of Washington DC are. They may find themselves happening upon throngs of DC residents who don’t take too kindly to entitled white assholes.

Yeah, let some of these fuckers camp out in Tucker Carlson’s neighbourhood and see what thinks about these heroes then.