
Lampreys are an invasive species that migrated into the Great Lakes via the canal built around Niagra Falls. They’re originally found in the Atlantic Ocean. Hence the name ‘Sea Lamprey’...but yeah, it’d be great if those little b*stards would die off.

Of course, there’s always this little tidbit...

No dude...

Coming from someone who races, I’d choose a tube frame chassis every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Soooo much easier to work with and repair.

Now playing

Throwing the wheel definitely works when the car is set up well.

Haven’t read the other comments, but...

You do realize that you could have easily removed the starter, replaced the solenoid contacts, and reinstall it... right? The solenoid plunger/contact kits for Denso starters are like maybe $10-$20 and practically universal across all Denso starters. Once the starter is out of

*Citations needed.

Stop spreading your FUD. We need a lot less of this anti-vaxx trash you’re espousing...

Thank you.


I know Randy, although not terribly well. I've raced with him on track wheel to wheel and I can tell you this; the man can drive damn near anything to the limit. I'm sure any familiarity issues he had with the camaro faded rather quickly. Randy is a very professional driver, maybe after a few more sessions he could

Please NOT Fail-Wheel-Drive.