Kids are getting smarter, or at least, they're getting more space to showcase their abilities. There are numerous examples of young teens and such, doing incredibly things academically.
Kids are getting smarter, or at least, they're getting more space to showcase their abilities. There are numerous examples of young teens and such, doing incredibly things academically.
Actually the 13 saga story had potential, they just presented it in the wrongest of ways. The lore was there, the setup was there. Problem is, half the story is in the analects and the companion books. I get they wanted to go in the let the player research route, but not all gamers are like that. In fact, its kinda…
People keep talking about the Lightning games like they were complete garbage.
Well, I'm glad someone here understands how Chicago works. All those southside shootings just gave the entire city a bad rap.
Loathed Ni No Kuni just couldn't find the magic everyone else found so easly... that said Resonance of Fate NEEDS a sequel. A game that came out a week before FF XIII and got lost by it but one of the most original JRPG's this generation. Seriously Tri-Ace get working on a sequel now!
Yea, because who wants a laptop that's utterly reliable and runs multiple operating systems.
I don't really agree.
It's totaly stupid to think that making it open world will make it better than a linear one...
linear RPG have great aspect and open world have other aspect, they are just different.
FFXIII-2 sold 2.42M copies. That's not "selling poorly", particularly for a game that's mostly re-used assets and therefore was relatively cheap to produce.
Continue to look out for Stephen's opinions on games. Know that he's a glass half full kind of reviewer, and know that he's always looking for the best in a game. This means that sometimes he's kinder to a game than the rest of the enthusiast press. It means that he sometimes recognizes merits that others leave…
Final Fantasy X also had these options, with branches in areas which lead to non-story sections.
To try abd be a voice of reason let me start by saying my PS4 has been running flawlessly. The PSN was terrible yesterday but that seems more or less worked out. Strange side note: Sony appears to have opened my box and resealed it. Not sure if that's related. Also odd: I have no wobble whatsoever. I tried on 3…
I knew Shaq Fu was a bad game, I just didn't know how to express the concept of a "bad game".
The funny thing about your comment is that it is a bias, if not a fanboy-filled comment disguised as a well thought out opinion. Clearly it isn't, but saying phrases akin to "I am getting a PS4, but it is a piece of crap compared to the Xbox One" not only doesn't make sense (why would you buy a $400 dollar product you…
I'd rate several recent JRPGs as as good or better than the better SNES and PS1 era JRPGs. Radiant Historia, Xenoblade, Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, The World Ends with You, Chaos Rings II, Valkyria Chronicles, and Final Fantasy Dimensions off the top of my head.
In what matter of shithole do you live in, where you're afraid to get robbed of your portable electronics in broad daylight while you're using them?