

Thanks for the comment Mr. CEO. If I don't work unpaid overtime then I am not dedicated enough. If I want to spend time with my family then my heart is not in it.

It's the same way a business person will brag about how they work very long hours. There's a misplaced pride and honor in overworking and a culture that feels it is synonymous with success when it actually is incredibly damaging to the mind and body and generally has a negative impact on the quality of work output.

Some of Kotaku's writers definitely sensationalize topics at times(Luke included), but as far as next gen fervor, they have actually been rather tame. I think it shows in the fact that there simply hasn't been as much console wars silliness here as many other places. I visit places like Destructoid, IGN, GameSpot,

So a site informing people on the different consoles while talking about what games will likely be coming to them is a bad thing?

Well, obviously people who like Pop music which contrary to popular belief isn't all teenage girls. There is some legitimately good pop music out there if you aren't close minded about it.

After Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and DmC: Devil May Cry, I'll buy almost anything they make day one. Both of those games impressed me on a level few games do, each for different reasons.

Or awesome

That's because Assassin's Creed has never been about stealth in the literal sense, it's always been about social stealth. Blending with the crowd, trying to stay unnoticed, etc. Splinter Cell is literal stealth, as in, no one must see you.

Here's what it would be:


I don't have anything against Rockstar, but I definitely think that their games are very much overrated. A case of style over substance, or more precisely presentation over gameplay. And to me RDR is by far the worst offender, so I can see why some people like Doc could dislike that game.

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Find out on next weeks episode "Frieza Defeated!!"

I suspect it's to help stop people from breaking the street date. That's the only reasonable explanation I can think of.

I think there's finally a game you really do need a PlayStation Vita to play and a Vita game you’re really going to need to play

I can just assume he has desired to "move on" from his original point - But even so, there are rampage events in GTAV as well.

Yeah, because real smart people can be more obtuse to outsiders. Try walking in to a heated, work-related conversation between two doctors, for instance.

In fairness, if it wasn't for a single mother playing Zelda and Mighty Bomb Jack with her only son, I wouldn't be the nerd I am today. So, yes, my single mother was the real hero. My greatest hero ever, in fact.

Thats an excellent point, I hadn't thought about that. You really don't find that unique combination of attributes anywhere else. I suppose thats likely due to that amalgam of subcultures they've appropriated into one often obnoxious combination. Even the name "hipster" is an appropriation from jazz cats back in the

So...what you're really saying is you don't like Sony. You seem to continue this rant about how Sony isn't this, or Sony isn't that, but don't mention stagnation in the Xbox camp. Does the Kinect 2 really have you so fooled to think it isn't simply a more accurate version of a Kinect, with essentially the EXACT same