
And that's understandable. But I feel to say that "it's the way they envisioned" implies more along the lines of how it sounds, and that's usually the argument I hear in regards to this. In which case, that isn't always true. Even if it was, I'm sure the devs get the final say when it comes to English voice actors and

I'd say Xenoblade and The Last Story are up there with the rest of them. Resonance of Fate and Eternal Sonata were both incredible (if not without their flaws, but what JRPG isn't?). Ni No Kuni was solid. Tales of Xillia is one of my favorite JRPGs of all time. And, while I realize this isn't general opinion, as

I think it's important to remember that neither of these consoles are even out in Japan. And neither will be until next year. I don't see any reason why most JRPG developers would bother announcing what they're working on for the new consoles when their main demographic won't even have those consoles for another 3-4

Yes because clearly you only buy a console for the release titles and will NEVER play it again in the next 7-10 years. Cool.

That's beside the point. His point was that it's closer to the original vision. However, Nomura claims the English version to be closer. It isn't about the language, but the voice actors use. When writing a story, I don't envision the language spoken, I envision the voices that are speaking. It's about the voice, not

I'm not gonna restate what everyone else already has, but I just wanted to point out they've announced a couple of pre-order costumes, but no DLC costumes. They have 80+ in game. Everything announced so far is in game. Yes, those pre-order ones will be DLC, but that's only 2 or 3. Not a ton.

Not necessarily. I remember hearing somewhere that Nomura preferred the English voice actors for Kingdom Hearts and considers it the best version. Just because it is the native language of the people who created it does not mean the voices themselves are what the creators wanted for the characters.

Yes, and it was a sequel. Same world as and shared characters with Persona 1.

Well Persona 2 was a direct sequel to Persona 1, and then it too had a sequel if you count the two halves as separate. Each one got better. I'd trust them on this one. (Also, FFX-2 was fantastic :P)

Yeah it's a bit weird. Probably could be more clear. But oh well. Tis life.

Well the word "routine" after marching band is where I'm going with this. Not criticizing btw, just pointing it out. I can't tell if you're first line is sarcasm :P

I think you're reading it a bit wrong. It's to be read more as a marching band routine featuring Nintendo.

I'm commenting to bump this up higher. Too many false statistics are going around and people are using them as fact. More people need to think about what any of it really means and put it in context. Great post.

I disagree with Uncharted being their best. I personally preferred Jak and Daxter over it. I also highly doubt they'll continue The Last of Us. It felt very final and I believe they've mentioned moving on from it. Again, I love the series and I'll definitely get the game and probably love it, but I wanted to see their

Oh I understand the move. I was just hopeful. I'm also hoping for Unkarted, if only as a joke :P

Yeah TLoU definitely seemed a one off thing. Which I'm grateful for. One of my favorites and it was very final. I'm expecting something new from them, but I was still hoping to break away from Uncharted. Again, I love the series, but I think three games was enough. I feel like this next one will feel like it's worn

Kind of disappointed. I love the Uncharted series, but NaughtyDog have always done a new IP series for each generation, and they have always been AMAZING. So I was hoping for something new. Hopefully their second team is working on something completely new.

Hardware failures happen for every piece of technology ever release. Yes, even out of the box. 3 cases out of who knows how many isn't enough to warrant a full article, especially when they made a mention of it in a previous article.

Hey, I have fond memories of Bubsy 3D from when I was kid!

What you pulled was a bit off from what I was saying. The game sucks you in from an audiovisual standpoint, not from necessarily being fun. The game is absolutely beautiful and the world feels alive. That pulls you in and holds on. Not the gameplay, not the story, but simply how it looks and sound. Seeing as it's a