
Well it's kind of the nature of the game. It has a lot of flash and spectacle, it's absolutely beautiful, and it sucks you in. It really gets you caught up in the here and now without allowing you to truly take a step back whilst playing. So you got a lot of initially high scores. Now, that people have had time away

Haha yeah I think everyone knows about that part in VII. I mean, I knew it before I had even played the game. :P But it only specifies who you play as in the beginning, which I did mention they do. In XIII, yes, it stops when you hit Pulse, but it takes the majority of the game to get there. That's why I differentiate

In VII you are never forced into certain parties. Yes, someone leaves for a time, but making them unavailable is different than forcing a set party. When I say forcing you into a party, I mean the whole party, not just a member or two. IX does this on occasion, but not for very long and not with everyone. It's only

Huh. Well different strokes for different folks. I loved it and I guess that's all that matters :P

Explain then. I have a PS3. I've never had to install the entire game onto my system. I'm not denying anything, I'm speaking from experience. And lol, wrong tree to bark up on fanboyism and biases. I am not and have none. I'm actually in the market for a 360 but unfortunately college and food are more important.

I never got frustrated with the battle system so I don't know what went wrong with you.

It's funny, because 4-6 and 8 are the only ones I haven't played. So I apparently missed all of the ones that did it then. FF7-12 (excluding 8 as I don't know) most definitely do not do it aside from intro sections. So no, the majority don't do it. I have played them and remember them well, seeing as I've played them

So seasons of TV shows don't exist? Who knew. And I'm ignorant to nothing. I never said that digital isn't becoming dominant, but to say physical will go away is ignorant. Like I briefly touched on, having something on store shelves is like free advertisement. I won't be going in depth with that, because I could

I'm not even trying to convince you at this point, I'm just trying to get you to even understand my point. And let's be honest, we all have better things to do :P

You aren't reading anything I write do you?

I never said digital wasn't a large part of their egosystems, I said physical won't die. Big difference between what I said and what you're arguing. Yes, digital is large with those mediums, but physical still exists and is not projected to die out in the near future (actually they're projected to always exist,

It will never be that time because physical media will never go away. Look at music, movies, television, etc. They're all still there. Why? Because 1) there's a large enough market, and 2) because it's like free advertising. Having people be able to go into a store and see your product sitting on a shelf helps more

Microsoft could've had a Steam-like environment without restricting the physical market. They decided to try and force feed consumers digital when the console market is still very much based in physical media, and will continue to be like that.

He enjoys that freedom because it's a very vague task. That creates a lot of gray area where his direct actions would benefit Cocoon, but how he knows they play out will not.

I really don't find it too difficult to distinguish plot from dialog, but that's just me. I can see why it would be rough to differentiate.

I strongly disagree. Final Fantasy is an interesting series where the mechanics have never been all that similar. They've been known to change things up, especially since the release of X. What ties the series together is more of the atmosphere, something that XIII pulls off quite well. It fully deserved the name.

Hey, I'm a 20 year old straight male who has always had an odd interest in women's fashion (I just find it more interesting, varied, and expressive than men's fashion). My exes tended to get annoyed with me telling them what they should buy when they wanted to go shopping :P

I agree with more control over teammates. The game isn't perfect, it has some issues. But the other stuff I have to disagree on. They streamlined the genre. I think what they were going for was almost an arcade style JRPG. The way the battle system focused more on how quickly you defeat an enemy as opposed to whether

I would agree with that. However, I find it's flaws to be a bit more than that, though few are what people generally point out.

It was praised by critics because it's their job to withhold emotional bias and objectively look at a game on its own merits. The same happened with Wind Waker. Praised by critics, panned by fans, only now to start seeing people recognize it for what it was.