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    That totally didn’t suck. ;)

    You’re still here. Still sounding ridiculous. You’re obsessed.

    Also, why won’t someone please think of the children!

    You must not understand the mechanics of how racism works. That’s OK. The idea of “reverse racism” is a myth.

    OK, now I’ve finally begun to care about the off-topic nonsensical point that you care so much about and. Now, I shall make an earnest counter-argument:

    “A ridiculous pet-point that is non germane to the discussion which nobody cares about.”

    The only point that I’m making is that you sound ridiculous and have angrily co-opted the conversation to make your point (which I completely understand, but do not care about in the slightest). That’s it. You sound ridiculous...and angry. You’re a nut.

    Dude, you are the nut here. You freaked out over a little bit of semantics, and you continue to freak out over this. You are the only one here to claim that others are being dramatic, yet you are the only one being dramatic. Nut.

    He’s just a gun-nut who wants to get make the discussion an argument over firearms.

    Ah, I see now. It appears that you’re a gun-nut, looking to pick a fight with whoever who you can for your pet-issue. Sure, whatever.

    Thanks for the blatant racism. You must be fun at parties.

    Settle down, Beavis. Does it matter if anyone is in the legal right to shoot or not? This dude was out of his mind. If any of us were shot, there’s a good chance that we might not be around to find out whether or not it was a legal shooting.

    That is pretty awesome! I was going to suggest that with the proper lens, a camera would have a wider view angle than head movement could help...but this is even better.

    Just like side view mirrors are completely, utterly useless after a snow storm unless they are cleaned. In any case, I’ve seen onboard video from race cars with lightweight technology to clear a lens of rain and debris. There’s no reason why this couldn’t be implemented with an automated cleaning system.

    What’s the difference? If they didn’t fix one, are they going to fix the other?

    If implemented properly, they could be fantastic. So many nay-sayers here who haven’t even considered the up-side. These have been a long time in coming, given that auto manufacturers are doing whatever they can to meet consistently more stringent efficiency standards.

    Agreed. Also, another article about electronic security being circumvented by thieves was released today.

    That makes sense, with the flowing center console rather than the shifter mounted lower. The newer shifter layout almost strikes me as Alfa-like:

    Fingerprint recognition...while it’s not completely foolproof, it’s no worse than current car key locking systems

    It would seem that being 2 fast and 2 furious is now punishable by summary execution.