Yeah - I know a guy who bought an imported Lancer Evo VI Tommi Mäkinen Edition, and it was converted with US Market Lancer parts (he said that it had an anti-lag system that they disconnected, as it wore out the turbo quickly) but you're totally right. If it was never made LHD, making that conversion without at least…
Oh, HELL YEAH! Thanks for doing that - I hope that you keep it up. I certainly will.
Right, and it will only come with an automatic transmission. *Sigh*
I can't speak for studies regarding speed limits in Virginia specifically, but there have been federal (NHTSA) studies that show a correlation between increased speed limits and lower fatalities per million vehicle miles travelled. This came from a study of FARS data (fatality reporting database) before and after the…
I totally agree. I'd love to see speed limits applied by the 85th percentile rule, rather than arbitrarily.
I totally agree with you that Virginia's speed laws are poor policy. However, the argument that what is legal in Texas is an jail-able offense in Virginia doesn't really work as well for me. For example, there are states where cannabis can legally be purchased, and others where prostitution is legal...but would…
I've written my state legislators (senator and delegate) several times over this issue - including an email conversation with my senator's chief of staff, explaining my position (e.g. that my position is not pro-speeding, but is one of reform towards more reasonable legislation).
I prefer to cite the 5th amendment for this one:
I disagree that driving is a privilege any more than our other rights that can be revoked. Perfect example, your freedom to not be incarcerated - we would both agree that this is not a privilege, but a right that can be revoked if we break the law. How about voting? This is a right, but it can be revoked too. …
This clear case of Satanic symbols being used by our governments really got me thinking. As an agnostic, I am outraged by public schools teaching children to write using a lower-case "t". Clearly, this letter resembles a cross. By teaching our young and impressionable students to repeatedly read and write the…
Quick Quack now holds the record for the fastest car wash ever.
The aluminum name on the kick plates are a $1500 option :)