
In days where an LS can make this kind of power with just heads/cam/intake/exhaust/tune, this is really not impressive to me. And then if you add a turbo you’re talking 600-750hp without even trying hard...  If the budget is $40k you can do SO MUCH MORE.

...or just throw it away.

There are more than a few people in America that are going to have a lasting bad taste in their mouths for French cars.  I almost feel like they’d be better off calling them PSA or something.  Or just FROG.  Or maybe Gaul.  I dunno...maybe I’m wrong, they’ve done their surveys, and the country is ready.  I mean,

Good for Jeep showing that it’s not just ICON that can build nice things

CP at $1k.

This is good to know, but also a little scary to see that much depreciation in just a year and 12k miles...because Fiat...

OK, but does it pop at power levels much higher than that?  Coyote V8 makes big power out of the box and also loves more....

This is a fair point.  I was just taking 5 minutes to see what was on Autotrader with Convertible, Manual, $36k max, 30k miles max and this was something that popped up.  But you’re right...not fair

But dude...Coyote V8. There can always be upgrades. I’m just saying that at $35k, this is WAY MORE CAR (in every way, good and bad) than the Fiat.

Gen 1 Volt owner here and can confirm that the courtesy horn is terrific.  What else do you want to know about Gen 1 Volt ownership?  AMA.

I’m sure I’ll get flamed for this, but after I’ve spent $200-500 a night to give my family a place to sleep and shower, why do I need to add a tip on top of all that?  Are you honestly telling me that the hotel can’t seem to afford to pay their staff a reasonable wage for services when I’m spending what amounts to

Say what you want, but the dude still crushes it on YouTube. I actually like the weird videos the best. I don’t need to see another video about a new Range Rover.  Who cares.  Show me the oddballs.

I have far more control over my own mortality as a firefighter than I do as a motorcycle rider (other drivers on the road are dangerous and unpredictable).  Also, the vast majority of tasks we do as firefighters are NOT fight fires...it’s actually a small (albeit exciting) part of the job.

....said as a person with (likely) no kids and (probably) no wife.  My wife specifically told me no motorcycles.  She doesn’t want to deal with a vegetable or two kids with no biological father.  And frankly, as a firefighter, I can tell you that I’ve seen some wrecks with bikes involved that make me not want to ride

Horrible colors inside and out.  Not sad.

So it’s cool and rare and basically a bunch of maintenance has very recently been done. And they’re selling. Smells like a time bomb.

Did they make CT5 look like CTS on purpose, or was that just some lazy typography?

Hope not because the X is fugly.  Proportions are garbage.

FUCK these assholes.  They should be required to donate all their liquid assets to local community colleges and then TAKE OUT FUCKING STUDENT LOANS to pay for the remainder of their loser kids’ college education.  Show them what it feels like to be a normal fucking person like the rest of us.