
Price is great for sure.  Too bad it doesn’t have a stick, though, because honestly this is from the era where stick was actually noticeably better than 4-speed auto.  And Honda always has the best sticks.

Zero-to-Fifty in Five Point Five. Fuck Yeah.

No fucking way.  Even if the dude is turning in 15 hours of time *every* day for 250 days a year, that’s 3,750 billable hours.  Are you telling me your techs make $95 an hour??  Not possible.  First of all, that pace is not sustainable for 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year.  Second, if the dealer bills at $95/hour, the

So will he get the Jussie Smollett treatment for filing false reports? That dude got 16 felony indictments...

That is one optimistic speedo.  Even in KPH.

The only reason these expensive elite schools matter is because the people that own/operate well-funded white collar companies look to recruit people that went there.  So it’s truly a vicious cycle.  A meritocracy it is not.

How does this fuck *not* have self-branded golf clubs?  

Can we please get a GoFundMe setup to get this for David Tracy so we can stop worrying about him getting blinded by rust or driving off the road in some shitbox he finds rusting away in central Michigan?

I was actually referring to taxes on Income and Property.  Churches are exempt from both.  I fired it through both brain cells before typing.

Well nothing up to this point in the Presiduncy of 45 has made a damn bit of sense, so why start now?  Might as well cancel school funding while we’re at it!  Maybe we can require Churches to pay taxes to make up the difference.

My sights are set on 25-year German and French cars because LHD...

So, if the battery pack is 12 kW, let’s assume they let us access 70% of that, we’re looking at 8.4 kW of range.  At a very efficient 4 miles per kW, you might get 34 miles out of it....  If we use a more reasonable 3 miles per kW, it’s more like 25 miles.  It’s still a good thing, but nothing special.

New question: “What’s worse: Caliber or Journey?”

...or for YEARS.  Like until the jacket wears out.  “I’m a SKIER!!!!”

For $3k, I would imagine many buyers will leave it there....ha!

What does that giant box do to the mileage?  Guessing it defeats the purpose of a highly efficient turbo-4, no?  I want to like this car, but wow...$70k is a lot of cheddar.  But I guess it’s in the ballpark of reality.

Those headlight graphics look like the garbage on the Nissan Maxima. Oof.

These are such great sleepers and the boost is old school.  Nothing nothing nothing and then WHAM!  All the boost!  And they love tuning.

Doesn’t this overlook the main point of welding, which is to bring together two pieces of similar material and create a fixed connection that is actually stronger than either of the pieces alone?  I mean, 50 ksi steel is completely different in strength and behavior to glass.  There are reasons why semi-flexible

Actually kind of surprised to see a Precision Turbo in there.  I would’ve expected it to be an in-house, 3-d printed titanium masterpiece of Perfektionegging.