Dude you’re so right. It’s so easy and intuitive. It’s literally inches from your hand. Designers are wrong about this and so is the buying public.
Dude you’re so right. It’s so easy and intuitive. It’s literally inches from your hand. Designers are wrong about this and so is the buying public.
If people didn’t just turn their noses up at a column shifter, this wouldn’t matter. My 2012 Suburban has a column shifter and plenty of space for things in the console area. But buyers think this looks “old” so they try to do a console shift instead and now we have this buttony hot garbage.
Also, why can’t Toyota figure out how to proportion wheels/tires to the rest of the car? Literally everything they design is WRONG.
NO ONE would buy this because it’s fucking ugly as hell.
$3K in the USA?
Cool cars like this always make me sad. I mean, it’s cool that it exists now, but it should’ve been hooned years ago.
I really want someone to make him a sticker that covers the 2002 with 2019, just so it looks right. And then again in 2020 and beyond!
If I can’t go 200, I don’t fucking want it.
These are also facts. But when your car looks like that, you can’t keep your insufferability from showing.
Ha! So true. But still. You know they are going to preach endlessly about the virtues of their homebrew solutions without mentioning that it causes them to hold up traffic on a daily basis while they drive 50 in a 65 zone and refuse to use more than 25% throttle to go uphill.
Person probably gets 100 mpg. And is insufferable.
Can we trade in 10 hp for better reliability?
Rotary seat fabric?
This is where having a generator in my Volt is really nice. Non-issue.
Lightly used Silverado or Tahoe. Why are we even discussing this?
I remember when my 1987 Jetta at least looked unique. I can barely tell this apart from a Focus/Fusion/Accord/Sonata/Impala/etc.
So. Goddamn. Ugly.
I voted NP simply because it’s from my year: 1979.
I’ve always thought it would be interesting to discuss power/torque as an area under the curve of the dyno plots. Cars with broad rev ranges and moderate power could be compared (perhaps favorably) to cars with peaky, narrow power bands.
pretty sure the reason the “myth” still exists is because diesel is still very susceptible to gelling, which will ruin your day just as much as an old diesel with a faulty glow plug.