
My Volt does this too.  And the engine cycles intermittently to allow essentially infinite camping.  Just go fill up the tank every several days.

Can someone please explain to me (briefly) what Ford’s position is on this?  It seems to me that having these cars trade at well above MSRP only serves as good press for Ford seeing as how they are building an in-demand vehicle and people are paying top dollar to get their hands on one.  I don’t see how that’s a

Did anyone else mentally say “Ex-Rati-Four” when they were a kid and saw an XR4Ti go by?  I know I did and I still do.

OK, so on the grandfather clock thing...my parents (in their late 70s) have already told me they are giving me theirs when they pass on.  I don’t want it at all.  I have no place for it and I don’t have any interest in it.  How do I politely tell them to put that thing on Craigslist?

Paging Cleetus McFarland....

Nice call on the i3! Those are great. Quirky, but in a good way. And yes, for longer trips, we do take the Suburban. My kids are starting to get big enough that they gripe about riding in the Volt for more than about 50 miles. It doesn’t help that I’m 6'2"...my daughter doesn’t like riding in the seat behind me.

True.  Volt is tight in back (lots of stuff packed into a small car).  This Honda seems like it might be great.

I wouldn’t necessarily agree with that. First of all, we frequently take the Volt on mid-range drives with the four of us. For instance, to/from Chicago is 52 miles round trip. My Volt can almost make this on battery only, but it’s really nice to not have to find a charger, or worry about running out on the way home.

I also own a Suburban for long road trips with all family members and tons of camping gear.  My daily drive is to/from a train station, so about 4 miles total, but then I also usually run about 20 miles a day to/from fire station as a volunteer firefighter.

Glad to see a good alternative for the Volt!  I’ve evangelized to many people about my Volt, and had 2 friends buy them as a result.  I’m sure this car will be great, too.  Plug-in hybrids with decent range and a gas engine are really great for daily use.  Until we get fast charging all over the country, this is the

It’s actually disgusting to me that there are actually enough people out there with THIS MUCH disposable income that cars like this can even exist.  I know that makes me sound like a socialist.  So I guess I am.

Very cool concept, but what else can be bought for $25k?  So many things.

My parents had a 1976 Ford Granada Ghia with the 302.  It was a horrible car and had a really scary habit of cutting out randomly while driving down the highway (in SoCal).  The “black box” would just shut down and everything would stop working.  Typically a “reboot” by turning it all off and restarting the car would

Cool.  The Volt also has two electric motors.  One for lower speeds and one for higher speeds.

Nice!  Good to have options.  I love our Volt but want to be thinking about the next car....

Yes, I have a Suburban and a Volt.  It’s a good combo, IMHO.

That’s too bad.  Hopefully they will offer a plug-in option.  It’s so nice to be able to go for a month or more between fill-ups in my Volt.

How does this drive system differ from the Volt?

I did 111111 with 111.1 on my trip in my E36 325is many years ago.

Is this the DLR loaner at a Buy Here Pay Here? Or maybe a parts car at a local Dodge dealer? I’m imagining some 18 year old ripping off to CarQuest to pickup some brake pads for an old New Yorker.