
I’m going to be the contrarian and say that if you truly want to buy your dream car and it’s exactly what you want and you’re going to keep it forever, then what’s really wrong with this? Not everyone can swing $100k in cash, but you might be able to find $1000 a month in your budget that would allow you to have this

“Memories....” Those were the first things to go on my S13...rocked steelies for a whole summer back in 1999. Ha.

I saw a nice example of this car on the highway in Charleston a couple weeks back and WOW...it is REALLY SMALL. I forgot how small they are. Surrounded by Southern Brodozers the thing looked micro.

Sweet S13 Nissan 240SX wheel covers, bro.

Dashboard ruins the whole thing for me. Gauges are from 1985.

My dad drove this same vehicle in olive green when I was a kid. Ran like a top. Was stolen at Park N Ride and gutted for parts in 1988

As long as it doesn’t spew the blue on startup, I’m in.

There is a Saab boneyard in Summerville, SC if you want to swing by on your way to NC. I drive by this place every time I got to my job site...

I want to like it, but then I realize everyone I know would think I’ve lost my mind.

I totally remember that article^^^ Car & Driver, right? I had such a thing for the Probe GT with the V6 back then. But I think the DSM still took the win, no? EDIT: Nevermind, I see Papa Van Twee found it for me. I was 13 when that went to press. Good memory!

Yeah, I think you’re right. After looking at renderings, I was surprised to see the pylon! I am suspicious that they didn’t have anything supporting midspan in this temporary condition. Not good. This might actually fall right back on the contractor - Means and Methods.

This was prefabricated off-site, no? I have a hard time believing much (if any) of this will land on the GC. It’s likely a design/engineering flaw, or potentially an issue with the concrete (perhaps not correct mix, and/or strength) if it failed in this way. It’s fairly obvious the bottom chord (walking surface)

godDAMN that car is ugly. WHY? It doesn’t have to be.

So much this^^^

I find it astonishing that it took you until NOW...in this conversation with your neighbor...to realize that what you’re doing is not typically acceptable in suburban areas.

Having driven several different Eurovans and Eurovan-based campers, I can assure you this will be DEADLY slow. Like “don’t drive up any hills during the daytime” slow. CP all day.

More importantly, don’t ever THREATEN to remove them from a situation during a tantrum and then FAIL to remove them from the situation.

Absolutely everyone you meet will say “You paid HOW much for this?”

you omitted the legit best one: Peanut Butter.

I’m a transplant and have lived in Chicagoland for 15 years now...and I’ve never EVER heard of, or consumed “Malört”. Everything else in that list is completely legit, but this is way out of left field. Is this some random niche-y thing from Andersonville?