
If someone keys it, can he get a repair kit online?

This is on the short list of cars that I would actually rather NOT row my own.

Was the oil actually Vicks VapoRub?

First truck I’ve wanted in a very long time. Maybe this will be my Volt replacement in 2022 or so....

Good thing David kept the numbers-matching head for his pristine Jeep.

As a person who was the 2nd owner of a 1989 S13 coupe (my aunt’s), I can assure you that these are fun cars. But $9k is insane. After dumping $10k into mine for suspension, wheels/tires/brakes, and one of the early SR20DET swaps stateside, I sold it for $6k. And mine was NICE too (this was way before STANCE). I regret

Having driven plenty of Bugs in my life as a VW porter, I can assure you this whole article is wrong. #Opinions

You really should state FRONT WHEEL DRIVE in the title.

Interested to see how this motor does in real world driving and over long term use with normal owners.

My grandmother had one of these for a LONG time. It replaced her olive green 1972 New Yorker. Hard to believe those cars share DNA.

Well that’s interesting. I could’ve sworn it was 43. Well, I routinely get 43 in the summer, but I’m getting about 22-26 right now in Chicago (lots of heater use).

True. The old Leaf is almost useless, especially after a few cells in the battery give up. I had a friend who bought a used Leaf because they were so cheap only to sell it weeks later because it was impossible to live with 50 mile range (and no engine)

How do you figure? EPA range on my 2013 Volt is exactly 43 miles....

I’m aware of the stats. And I think that people in cold climates that might have a 30 mile commute and no place to plug in while at work (imagine someone driving into downtown Chicago and parking in a garage only to find that the charging station isn’t available) might cause some serious range anxiety on a cold winter

So if I use my own experience in having a partial EV, a 43 mile summer range becomes a 20-24 mile range in 10 degree winter days. So, if we cut the range from 150 down to 75-80 in a Leaf, things get a LOT more sketchy for commuters. It was impossible in the original Leaf, where winter range dips down into the 40-50

You shouldn’t be entering addresses into a navigation system while you’re driving either. My phone just sits there, shows me the map and tells me where to turn. Same as nav. Works great and maps are updated all the time.

Just don’t get navigation in the first place. Problem solved. Everything is already on the phone.

Damn. ha

Mormon = LDS (not LSD)

Ya know...I went and saw George Carlin not too long before he passed...and it was an oddly uncomfortable, unfunny strange set, mostly about cancer and dying in a plane crash. I think most people in the theater were expecting something else because there was an odd hush for most of the show and after. I was bummed.