
I’ve yet to go to a dealership that knows more about the car I’ve come in to test drive/purchase than I do. And that’s not because I’m a #StableGenius, it’s because I’ve done my homework and researched the large purchase I’m about to make. It’s infuriatingly insulting when the person PAID to sell me the car can’t be

Top 15 cars where the newer versions are noticeably uglier

Waiting for Doug DeMuro Door Gap Analysis....

...must not have read any of my other posts.

That water and oil don’t mix and water causes a liquid petroleum fire to spread. Although, this probably didn’t BEGIN as a gasoline fire. If a small fire started, it might have been controlled by a sprinkler, and this never would have happened.

No. Sprinklers have fusible links at each sprinkler. There are some types that work in banks, like ESFR systems, and some kitchen systems, but most are one fuse at a time (unless the fire is large enough to set off more than one at once).

Umm, reduce the heat of the fire and potentially contained it to a MUCH smaller area. If a sprinkler near the Land Rover had gone off, it’s fairly unlikely this would have torched 1400 cars and destroyed a building. And sprinklers in garages are quite common (required here in Chicago, in fact). Many times they are dry

Did this garage not have sprinklers? I get that it’s an “open” design, but still, sprinklers are typically included...

....as resale values of the pre-facelift model PLUMMET.

So basically they figured out how to make a Volt.

TOTALLY expected to see an SBC under the hood.

Reminds me of my Protege5. Great little car. Bad body cancer. Sold it to an enthusiast...no idea how much longer the chassis lasted.

No, it shouldn’t be the TorchBug. It’s gotta be something Otto picks and they work on together.

So what will his first car be, then? You should start looking for the barn find now and teach him how to wrench when he turns 10.

who was in charge of the music?

My uncle is Thor Johnson....

Ha! My uncle is in your photos! I’m going to have to bug him about your interview. Nice work!

My 2013 Volt has averaged 78 mpg over its 60k miles and I have seating for four and a full hatch as well. I want to like the Insight, but it’s just too weird and not really practical enough. And driving it is NOT pleasant. Ride is harsh and it has very poor acceleration. If you want to get the 52 mpg shown there, you

You do know that tunnels routinely go under waterways and under other obstructions, right? I’m not saying it wouldn’t pose a challenge, but it could be done. I guarantee City Hall would be interested in that connection. Navy Pier and Michigan Avenue to O’Hare? Yes.