OK, well it didn’t say that in any of the parts I read. And the picture doesn’t give that impression either. I stand corrected and I apologize
OK, well it didn’t say that in any of the parts I read. And the picture doesn’t give that impression either. I stand corrected and I apologize
$42 MILLION though? Holy smokes. From the article, it doesn’t sound like anyone died or had their life significantly altered by this. I would think $420,000 would have had an equally meaningful impact for the plaintiffs. And $4.2 million would’ve been very generous. But I get it...gotta send a message!!!! Geez. It…
Fuckin’ Fake News everywhere these days! Sorry you’re sad, Alfisti!
There’s nothing here that makes me want this car. Nothing. There are many other choices, most of which are not hideous. Am I missing some defining feature here?
That rear 3/4 view is NOT GOOD. Which is a shame because they really got it right with the new Panamera. Not liking the wagon butt.
“Nyanborghini” is not a pun. It’s a portmanteau.
People have been saying for a long time that 9-10 pounds per horsepower tends to feel really good in street cars, so your numbers make sense. Hence, if you have a 4000 pound sedan, 400-450 hp probably feels good. Less than that starts to feel sluggish, and more starts to feel scary/overpowered.
Huh? How? Link? I have a 2012 and hate this “feature”
This is so unbelievably stupid. Pass cop = your risk, you lose. Be patient.
I think you’re in a small minority here. Most people don’t accept this type of behavior. This might fly on a farm with no one around for miles and miles, but this guy clearly has neighbors, and it’s obviously an issue. Not to mention the fact that basically everything looks like garbage. It’s not like he’s got…
About 72 Americans will buy it, as you know.
As someone with a huge soft spot for 240s (1989 S13 was mine), this was super intriguing until the price. $125k is insane. That’s literally good vintage Ferrari money. You could have a very nice Testarossa or 328GTS. Or a whole catalog full of 911s. This 240 is NOT an investment. You will never get your money…
I had the VERY SAME bra on my 87 Jetta. Oh yeah. 90s.
What about the emergency vehicles in very poor/very rural areas that might not have a budget for these transponders and systems? What if you’re autonomously driving through Iowa in your Tesla and a local PD tries to pull you over and doesn’t have the transponder and the car goes nutty?
And were you surprised by this? Literally the worst people on earth use (and have used) religion as a cover for their bullshit behavior
This is such an annoying “feature”. It’s the first thing I turn off when I have to drive a car equipped with it. It’s so off-putting and obtrusive. At least in my Volt when you are out of juice and the gas engine has to run, it doesn’t cycle on until you’re going about 15 mph, at which point it’s imperceptible. …
Whenever I see these, I think: “how do you let a car like this get like this?”
I agree with Lemon...but how is ANYONE surprised at this point? This was such an obvious outcome from well over a year ago. People have been trying to say that he would calm down and be normal...but THIS IS NORMAL FOR DONALD FUCKING TRUMP!!!!!
And then what happens when the EPA finds out these are also Cheaters in 3 years and the values plummet? I think that’s also on buyers’ minds...
As a person who drives a car with “modern” capacitive touch buttons and a touch screen, I can tell you that even after 2 years of driving my Volt, the HVAC STILL annoys me. Knobs, sliders and other physical buttons are FAR SUPERIOR to this horseshit that works on a phone because you’re staring at it with both eyes…