
I read this and just feel sad. He’s had this for all those years, didn’t enjoy it out on the road at all (not even one smoky burnout?!) and now he’s trying to dump it for what amounts to a loss (assuming he insured it during those years, not to mention the lost earning potential). Too bad. Hopefully it goes to

I’ve wondered things like this too. And another burning question for me is “When will Twitter simply shut down Trump?” Wouldn’t that solve so many of our problems right now? It would certainly help.

This coming from the guy who rolled a Bug is not a surprise. Maybe they will pay for driving lessons?

Now he can buy aftermarket bumpers to improve the look.

As a Volt owner, I can assure you that driving in traffic while using regen (“L”) is a supremely satisfying experience. I assume this just takes it up a notch. Only downside is potentially sick passengers if you’re not smooth.

Why not just Vanagon?

A rear wiper is the one main gripe I have with my Volt - it’s so annoying to have raindrops back there. They only get blown off if you’re on the highway. Around town they just sit....

Maybe easier to just throw the main breaker and kill power to the whole house? Unless winter.... Or rainy season with subterranean pumps. Or alarm systems.

I have a 2013 Volt and routinely take road trips with 6'-2" me up front along with my wife, and my kids in back. That said, 4 adults would be a pinch. But for lunch runs and local commuting, it’s perfect for 4. The Volt is a small car, there is no denying that. I have a Suburban for when things get serious.

Umm...Wheeling is about torque. Rotaries are not about torque. ??

So, in all fairness to purity....would you like it more with an LS?

As a former owner of a very nice S13 coupe, this makes me sad.

So basically it’s a Jeep that’s too nice to wheel - no thanks.

He also believes in Joseph Smith, so there’s that.

How is it that the company that basically invented ergonomics can’t seem to remember how to do it? I’ve driven several recent Hondas and can say that they are consistently bad. It’s like they’ve made a conscious decision to make things on their cars different from everyone else, not realizing that what they are

Cover shot from 2001 says it all. This car was interesting for about 3 minutes, 16 years ago.

Lincoln needs to hire new wheel designers. Or just use Escalade wheels and call it a day.

What about the fact that Tesla supercharging stations are largely focused on interstate travel at the moment? Chargepoint and others are all over the Chicago metro area, for example...but Tesla is relatively sparse by comparison. I just finished a construction project for a company owned by a man who drives a Tesla,

Got it. Good stuff. Thx.

Care to elaborate on why you think the other networks are garbage? Isn’t this basically Blu-Ray vs. HD DVD?