Fuck that’s nice.
Fuck that’s nice.
Dude, I know you love your old junkers, but that Willy’s IS and eyesore. It’s a rusty hunk that was about ready to get subsumed back into the earth when you “rescued” it from a rusty grave. Your landlord is calling a spade a spade. Don’t be mad at him...time to rent a garage.
Assuming you’ve also watched The Americans and found their car casting to be equally amazing? My wife could give a shit and thinks I’m insane when I’m ogling all the crazy Malaise-era cars in there...but c’mon...it’s great. And when they do wide shots and EVERYTHING is of the right time? That’s gotta be a HUGE job.
Every pic just makes me think “Mazda CX-5". I can’t conceive why anyone would buy this over a LOADED CX-5. Literally, you *can’t* spend more than $35k on the Mazda. That’s with every feature you can find. And it looks better. And you won’t have to pay through the nose for “premium” service...
Mmmm. Diesel Volt. Diesel is great at low revs already (see every diesel generator on earth) and it can be made smooth and quiet.
And wearing a shirt that exposes a t-shirt means that a person doesn’t give a rat’s ass? I don’t understand your logic. But I *do* know that when I’ve been around vintage cars, many of the people that own them are very low-key, and don’t want to draw attention to themselves.
That’s the answer I was looking for. I was seriously imagining the code compliance summary for this beast would be a novel all by itself.
This is seriously a thing you pay attention to, or even give a shit about? I had to scroll back and even find the picture you were talking about. My brain doesn’t even notice the people, much less do I care about their clothing. By the way, many people with more money than they can spend don’t tend to give a rat’s ass…
Got it - makes perfect sense.
So, is a factory that large simply littered with fire walls? I deal with very large warehouses, but pretty much topping out at ~1MM sf. this stuff is simply massive - way beyond the basic limits of travel distance, etc.
Umm...I guess I’m sad it’s gone, but I’d never heard of it until now?
Easy solution: just drive with your hands on the wheel like we’ve been doing for 100 years.
Everything here is great *except* for the idea about batteries on/under the trailer. That piece of gear (the 53' box) is already highly commoditized, and asking companies to shell out for those will be very difficult to deal with. Sure, Wam-Lart could do it, but the vast majority of shippers will continue to use the…
He was my direct peer in terms of title.
I remember when a guy I worked with bought one of these Brand New and was so proud of it. He drove to lunch the first day he got it to show it off and I just had to nod and smile politely...I think I paid him a complement about the sunroof or something. Oh that car was bad.
I feel like for $400k, they should perform all major services in Detroit. Make some fanfare about it too. Like the first owner to reach 10k miles gets a free GT350 or something. And while the GT is in for service, they get to spend a few days tooling around the proving grounds in a Focus RS and meeting the GT design…
NPR reported he was a delivery driver.
Sax then drum major senior year too!
Those CA18DETs are good for serious power (iron block). Not surprised with that number.
I get it...but I just can’t get into the Coupe. Not when the glassback looks so good.