
Gen 1 has only 4 seats. Perfect for me and my family (2 kids), but the new one opens this car up to people with 3 small children. It’s small back there for sure.

The “L” drive mode is also very good. It’s brilliant in traffic...one pedal driving FTW.

The Volt is NOT a GTI. If you want something that will be fun in the twisties or at a weekend auto-x, get the GTI. But for all your “normal” metrics, the Volt is fantastic. I’ve almost had mine a year and still love it. Would buy again 100%.

I completely disagree and prefer the old over the new, but I’m biased. I think the new design isn’t distinctive enough.

Dude this is a CP at 25 bucks, let alone 25 HUNDRED bucks.

Yes. My best friend had a 1989 SHO in high school and the transmission was AWFUL. It made driving the car a complete chore.

Fair point. I'm not in Cali. I use mine mostly to get me to and from the commuter train parking lot.

Ok true. So we are saying that it's not a reasonable comparison because it has an on board generator? Mmkay

Agree. I drove an X3 a few days ago with a similar setup. Made zero sense intuitively. Had to completely focus on what I was doing to figure it out. I'm sure after a few days it would be normal but as a rental (Zipcar) it was awful

It looks decent...but I feel it looks too much like the new Cruze, which also looks too much like the Dart and Civic. Not doing it for me. Still looks 1000x better than a Leaf though.

I never said it was a purebred EV. It’s an Electric Range Extended Vehicle. So is the i3 (as an option) and the i8. Do you rail on those too? Prius is ugly, and it’s also not NEARLY as nice of a car. I cross shopped them, and the Volt won hands down. No way I had the money for a Tesla...and the Leaf has serious range

That’s hard to nail down. My car has 42k miles now and it’s averaged 79 MPG over that whole time. Sometimes I don’t fill up for a month or more. Other times when I’m on a longer drive, I might burn through a tank in a week (only 9.3 gallons). Some people are super diligent with charging and they average well over 100+

yep - 8 years/100k miles on all Voltec stuff. It’s a great safety net. Basically covers the entire driveline/battery setup. Only non-covered items are standard car stuff like shocks/brakes/tires/body/etc.

I have a 2013. I agree that the extra range of the new Volt is nice, but frankly, I prefer the looks of the Gen 1. I plan to keep mine at least until the Voltec warranty ends in 2020...

I agree the Model 3 is compelling. But I also thing the Volt offers some unique features: 1) Buy it now. 2) Engine for complete autonomy. As a Volt owner, I’m obviously biased, but I’m going to seriously investigate the Model 3 as my next car. But it will have to be REALLY GREAT for me to make a switch. The Volt is a

And then the cat vomits.

Have you driven the new Malibu or Impala? Every bit as good as Taurus and Fusion. Can you just admit you are loyal to a brand and prefer their offerings?


Or buy the Volt for not much more money and crush those mileage numbers forever. Or save a ton and buy a lightly used Volt like I did.

well, for my sake, I hope YOU are right and I’m wrong because I love my U of I plate (sequential with my wife’s too), and I hope I don’t have to eventually retire it simply because they won’t make them anymore.