YES. Now where is the result?! We need numbers!!
YES. Now where is the result?! We need numbers!!
Is anyone voting NP really serious? Think of what ELSE you could do with 900 bucks. Shit, if you really want to set fire to 9 Benjamins, just go to the nearest casino and put it all on Red. This is a complete waste of time.
My uncle had one of these 20-some years ago. Got tired of having it break while tracking it...sold it, and has been driving Porsches since. Well, and Elvas with Lotus motors... The trans in the Esprit is made of glass, as are the electrics and many other things.
This is amazing. I don’t care if it makes no sense. NP.
Can’t argue with that. I guess if your plan is real off road duty, this RR might be a better buy. But for the likely buyer trying to pickup an SUV with a luxury badge, I’m guessing a 10-year newer LR3 would fit the bill just fine.
Like this one:
Meh. I get the history. But if you *must* have a Land about an older LR3 instead? Those are FAR easier to live with and have most of the same things you’d be getting with this. Including the Lincoln’s-Top-Hat profile and higher-than-thou driving position. It’s lovely.
Can’t get Suburban with 6.2...Denali and Escalade only. But no, 20 mpg is only if you REALLY try. Like super light foot and 62 mph.
Wife’s truck. My Volt. They balance out.
You will never ever see 17 mpg avg. We have a 2012 Suburban that is supposed to get 15/21/18 and it gets 13.5 all day long. Highest ever on a long road trip was 19.
Ha! Mmkay. I still don’t understand why the staunch support for the G-wagen? Are you just mad because I’m insinuating that the only reason a person would own one is because they are vain and want to show off? Otherwise, I would think you would agree with me that there are better ways to off-road for $150k.
Nope. But I’m glad you like Gs so much. If you’re offended because I’m shitting on your choice of vehicle, then go tell the internet nanny.
Where should I start? The driving position is awful. Handling is horrible - which obviously is not an issue if you’re off-roading. Road comfort is miserable. It’s incredibly noisy. This is the only reason you buy one:
Whatever dude. Essentially no one buys them for that. If you want to offroad, get a Wrangler and go nuts. This is for people that want to show off, and as such, it’s a horrible car. Someone I know has one and I hate every minute of being in it.
This whole thing is WIN.
I think it’s all in the armrest/window sill height. It makes a HUGE impact.
Yeah - that was the one that got away. Ended up in an S13 240SX after that, which I spent entirely too much money on...but the Integra was gone too soon. I hadn’t even begun to mod it! I was just trying to get through college with that car. It was so reliable and great to drive - perfect driving position and great…
Shit! My second car was a 1990 Integra LS hatch. Loved it. Ended life in a Chicago snowstorm when a Sentra decided to play pinball on I-57....