
Dude. Gulf Livery FTW.

So what’s your excuse? Just general Republican refusal to listen to reason?

Are you seriously calling *me* the internet troll? You’re the one who resorted to childish namecalling.

I can fill up E-85 in plenty of places around Chicagoland (and I do, in my E-85 Suburban). Or is that your point because E-85 is harder to find outside the corn belt? Looks like there are 96 E-85 stations in California and 275 in Illinois. On the other hand there is ONE H2 station in Illinois, and only 3 more between

Go read any of the numerous publications citing the inherent challenges and disadvantages of hydrogen as a fuel source. My head is not in the sand, or in my ass, and I can assure you that I’m well aware of developments in infrastructure. Getting liquid hydrogen out to the masses isn’t going to happen anytime soon.

I disagree. Hydrogen is a very low-efficiency method of propulsion. It’s ONLY advantage is non-carbon based emissions. Period.

And yes, I realize you can refuel an H car. The infrastructure is just horribly fragmented.

If you’re suggesting that we should model development on drought-stricken California, I’d respectfully disagree with you.

*I* sound ignorant? I’ll ignore your obvious snark about Chicago and stay on topic. Hydrogen filling technology is a major issue right now...read about it. Even ethanol and diesel (in the USA) aren’t ubiquitous at filling stations. I agree that it’s an interesting option, but clearly we are decades away from efficient

I don’t see why anyone would do this. Electric infrastructure has been invested in over the last CENTURY. I have absolutely no idea where I would “fill up” a Hydrogen Fuel Cell car in Chicagoland...but I can plug in almost everywhere...

I have a 2012 GMT900 Suburban with the 5.3 and the 6-speed...and it is not my favorite setup. It tries to get into the highest gear possible, as fast as possible, and then lope around at 1100 rpm. And then it goes into 4-cyl mode and groans. And it still only manages like 14 mpg around town with a light foot. My

Of course he is wearing this watch. Of course.

This is all I see...

FUCK THAT. A 1987 Jetta GL was my first car. I paid $3800 IN 1995!!! This is a $1000 car.

I don’t care how long they last. They are a PITA to work on, and you can’t give them a quick visual to see how much pad material is left. Drums SUCK.

Ugh. Drum brakes. WTF. Why is this still necessary? I get that it’s a low-end car, but is it ACTUALLY cheaper to put these on cars instead of just equipping *all* the cars with discs?

I saw one the other day! Oh wait, no, it was a Malibu....

Your article/endorsement just repaid Lexus and that dealer many times over for writing off that service. It really only cost them about $100 to do, when you consider a, what, $50 part and maybe 2 hours of tech time at a cost of $25/hour? I’d guess that sounds about right...

Nope - still garbage.