Ejia Kinja Lost

From the looks of that photo she is pumped about stealing a bunch of dalmatians, tho.

Just a little judgement :)

Runner ups

This is a wrong opinion.

Not a single mention of THE QUEEN???

And write aticels then charge for them and write “books” that take a large number of days to complete..

Truly, truly, truly outrageous


Is that a pokemans!! I want the pokemon that like blue and has puff balls for arms.

did you see the last photoshop contest. MrDeadScott apparently called it!!!! now if only we had the other sequals

I’m still bitter about them removing that. I honestly don’t see the point, it made the mages guild a waste of time.

But...but S.I.D.!

well human men are the only kind of men i have experience with but also logic would imply they don’t stand much more of a chance against an enemy three times their size than a woman would? You’re pretty much toast, IRL, no matter what you have between ya legs?

Link regularly defeats enemies two times his size or more. Your point?

My British dreams dashed.