
And too many people are of the mind that because something happens to a set of people, it has to be something other than carelessness or stupidity.

Hahahaha Oh my...

And the original Xbox 360 had a 40% failure rate so you happened to be one of 6 out of 10 people affected.

That’s utterly and completely false.

You’re definitely raising your kids right if they are already more careful and sensible that all these man-babies scratching their Switch’s.

My goodness! People are still harping on about this. And the ridiculous claims I’ve read in this thread is shameful. Shit on Nintendo all you want but build quality is something they’ve consistently done well at.

Awwww, did his master’s not give him their seal of approval? Or maybe he realised that regardless of what he says, he’ll never be seen as truly white.

This is just another example of that”almost white” behaviour.

It’s a real shame about ZombiU cos i think its one of the best survival horror games in recent years mostly because of the gamepad implementation. It just wasn’t the same game on the Xbox/ps4 and a true testament to the kind of gameplay that’s only possible on the WiiU.

Maybe that’ll be the original story dlc:)

What empire are you a part of Santos? Or is this your attempt at seeking acceptance from your masters?

Maybe they are “long dead” but the benefits and wealth created by their exploits are well and truly alive! And those crimes are still being perpetuated today albeit less overt and more covert because racism and genocide is a big NO-NO.

The issue being that a lot of these problems were caused by the very people who now want to close their borders and have stricter immigration control. If America, Britain and co hasn’t been such capitalists, they would’ve seen this issue from the very beginning; but alas, America or Britain would most likely be a

This wouldn’t have been such a problem if America, Britain and the rest of the western world didn’t go into other countries and destroy, pillage and plunder them for all they had and left them destitute.

This is what happens when a non-white person seeks validation and courts white supremacy. A variation of Sambo one might say.

I ate 10.

Yeah. But this is a feature story about the Nintendo Switch. You DO realise that right?

So who, in your opinion, is Nintendo competing against?

And ps4 runs off an AMD CPU and Radeon based GPU. What’s your point?

How exactly is Sony and Microsoft “good” at hardware? Are we talking design? Because as far as I’m concerned, it’s only ever about who has more RAM, better GPU, Clock-speed etc. I don’t really see the creativity in that kind of “good” hardware.