
Definitely true. She'll never have a healthy relationship until that happens.

Maybe someone who's not her "type" is exactly what she needs. We see how she does with guys who are basically perfect but she's not into, aka Lionel, and we see what she does with guys that are great, but aren't her ideal and have a flaw she can't get past, aka Jared. I really think they're setting up for Lil Rel to

I totally see them happening!

Oh my gosh, on the Insecure aftershow podcast, Jay Ellis and Yvonne Orji were going AT IT over Lawrence and Issa. Jay's on Lawrence's side, of course, and the 2 hosts and Yvonne were on Issa's. It was funny, but awkward to listen too.

I'll have to remember that if I ever get called in for jury duty…

It makes no sense for 2 attractive, single women in LA to have guys attracted to them? The characters might be flawed, but Molly and Issa are beautiful. I don't think it's that unbelievable that they can get men.

Where can you rewatch it?? I missed the series finale and really want to watch it all again :(

I bet Lorne wishes Taran was still on SNL. So much Brad Pitt material going to waste.

In conclusion, this was a funny video…

The fact that for 2 seconds the magician had no idea why she was screaming, then in the next second thinks that YANKING the spike out of her hand would alleviate anything is just too funny. Oh and the male host not reacting at all, then unhelpfully holding out his hand had me dying.

Whelp, seems like my closet approved venue location is beautiful Camden, New Jersey! Pray for me…

Kudos to Mario for being professional and sitting down to talk to this turd after all the trash he "didn't" write in his tell-all.

I was under the impression that you knew nothing about Nina Simone's life, appearance, struggles or anything she stood for, which is why I suggested the doc. But since you say you have watched it, but still don't see any issue with the casting choice, then I'm not sure what the point is in trying to explain it. There

So you need to watch the movie in order to form an opinion on the portrayal of a figure you seem to already know nothing about? Ok, I can only suggest this. Watch the documentary "What Happened, Miss Simone?" It's on Netflix. THEN, if you're still so inclined, watch the film.

"…and you hire the best actor for the part, end of story."

She is who I've always envisioned playing Nina, ever since I saw her in Fela. Such a wasted opportunity…

Gotta wait for the soundtrack for all the delicious harmonies.

Mid-20s Dorothy never made sense to me. I never saw the stage play, but in the film she was a pre-school/kindergarten teacher who didn't want to move forward in her life (move out of her Aunt's house, teach higher grades to earn more money, meet guys, etc.) After her Oz journey, I don't remember her coming to any

One of my favorite rock operas ever made. RIP to Carl Anderson, best portrayal of Judas there ever was IMO.

No mention of Sean getting ready to do heroin after his night with Fiona? Where the hell did that come from?