
I'm gonna miss Brandon's reviews almost as much as I'll miss the show itself. Maybe more so, because this was the only outlet I had to discuss the show with people who were just as obsessed with it as I was. And the reviews always made me go back and watch the episodes again to pick up on the nuances that I usually

I don't know how anyone can still be Pro Kevin after he threw Patrick's parents imploding relationship in his face. As if that justifies everything. Ugh.

When Jonathan Groff's voice started breaking in the parking garage…oh man. That scene should be submitted for his Emmy reeel.

God I love that song so uch. Listening to it now, it would have fit into that storyline so perfectly. Total missed opportunity.

At this point, I don't even care about a renewal. I just want the Patrick/Kevin saga to crash and burn so I can dance on the ashes…

I obviously don't watch the show.

One of my favorite scenes. So accurate, I felt a little bit ashamed.

Or did he?! He technically doesn't have the money in the bank yet. All he has is Doris's word. I can't believe he quit his job. Lynn was right, he really did need some guidance before opening his own place.

Well I guess that's just how I see the whole situation as an outsider.

Exactly Ally. In this case it matters very much who actually ended the relationship. I need to hear it from a neutral source before I believe skeezy Kevin.

I'm telling you. We're gonna find out that Jon actually left Kevin. Most likely from Patrick's sister. Her husband is Jon's good friend and she has no reason to lie to spare Patrick's feelings.

How do we know that he dumped Jon? I'll need some confirmation from an outside source that it wasn't the other way around

Kevin just makes my skin crawl. Patrick is going to find out he was a consolation prize and he's gonna be alone again. As he should be.

Oh trust me, I hate the Team crap too. It cheapens the quality of the show. I despised that scene with my whole entire body and I think it's because I just know it's not gonna end well and Patrick has learned absolutely NOTHING. He's just gonna get hurt again and he's inviting it happily. Kudos to the actors and the

God, Lauren knocked it out of the park. The writing was just so good and Lauren said them so effortlessly, she made it seem all ad-libbed. Solid, solid episode…up until the end. I was spewing curses at my TV like it had personally disrespected me.

Does that mean there's now room in the budget to bring back Laura Prepon's eyebrows?