
Is it me or is the italicisation of this article slightly over the top?

@thenail: Android HAS leapfrogged iOS in every way, shape, form, and fashion.

@ddhboy: what do you mean? how do I get this onto my android phone?

But you said "Spotify would only be a solution to a small market". Except that Spotify covers ALL bases - song purchases (downloads), streaming, offline playlists, local file player. Your response doesn't really make sense to me.

@_Stormin: nobody "HAD" to be in Microsoft Windows, yet MS still got served. Apple is way worse...

@vinod1978: It's called "offline playlist" and it works perfectly well

@CannedCorn: How is using Hotmail like using dial-up? I really don't get why anyone cares.

I too have no problems with hotmail. Been using it for like... a decade now.

@craigeryjohn: I've been saying this for ages. Why use up your screen space when you have a huge bezel in which you can put crucial buttons like back or menu.

@ESPNvy: yada yada yada.

@Iota: Well companies often charge huge prices for devices that haven't actually brought anything new to the market, look at Apple.

@dowingba: How did you come to that conclusion then?

@Platypus Man: duh, the poster clearly meant she needs to eat more calories

@Unchill English Bro now has Hipster Glasses: Because they're not. The Apple fanboys are smaller in number and thus about a thousand times louder and more obnoxious (except in the domain of the iPhone, where they're a loud and obnoxious majority instead of a minority)

@Horusz: It's not supposed to be a whole new paradigm. It's more of the same but made much more comfortable for a tablet.

@samvaran: Agree with everything there other than "battery life capabilities expanding" and the part about conventional laptops dying.