
@johnnystreets: Meh, if you're going to spoon feed the masses with your walled-garden apps, at least let people try the shit you shovel. Trials have been a normal part of apps since the beginning, I'm not giving up my right to a trial just because Apple want to grab my cash.

@AreWeThereYeti: You'd still have to haul a big ass 7" + device around with you, not something that you can just pop in your pocket. The beauty of this thing is that you can essentially take a proper computer with you wherever you go, and use it to your means. You can use a smartphone perfectly well on the sofa...

Isn't this just a Desire HD? Confused...

It's funny how many idiots in here are saying "duh shoot it the other way around".

I love this, really do. Smooth object casting a pixelated shadow. Just like a video game :P

@Windhawk: On the other hand it has to support a higher concentration of people, in a smaller area.

@Matthew Chatfield: Oh no the sky is falling, it calls home! How do you think it relays the statistics about what other users do?

@CamJN: I tried that, had some work that I needed to do (re-writing a manual made in Pages). Personally I really hated it, and I wasted so many hours. Not just Pages (which honestly just seems like the worst software), but the OS as a whole seemed designed to piss me off from the get-go. I ended up convincing the

@Techsage1029: I find Android easier to use than iOS, not least because I actually have some physical buttons and don't have to hit those tiny little buttons on that tiny 3.5 (or whatever it is) screen.

@airmanchairman: What, because it can display a grid of application shortcuts? Something phones and PDAs have been doing for over a decade?

@daniel2001: It's success from the point of view of the Android OS developers over at Google, because they have created a product that people like and want to use.

@Chinedu Opara: Except my smartphone screen is probably just as big, and higher res than your Garmin? Because I don't want to shell out a bunch of cash on a Garmin standalone GPS when my phone can do it better?

@Mai Work: Tell me where you read that she told him to STOP?

@The5thElephant: No, it's NOT rape. Evidently. Which is why there is a different law about it.