EisenBolan, SJW

It's not an intersection - this is a section of highway about 300 to 600 feet from a traffic light controlled intersection with a pedestrian crosswalk. There are two lanes for each direction and a center turn lane. The opposite lanes are directly along the ocean, with a narrow beach (were it wide, there would be a

the difference between (actual) republicans and neo/theocons

Yeah. I am definitely fiscally liberal, but I can have good, intelligent conversations with that sort of republican.

The amount of GOP crazy you have to spout to win the primary guarantees that.

I'm a fan of the Eisenhower-style Republican: We run the Government, you run your lives.

Pragmatism is next to communism in the current republican party.

Yes. I yearn for the Rocky Republicans.

It's very frustrating, isn't it?

You would not believe what this looks like in real life in real time. It is horrible. I have pregnant clients who couldn't get reproductive care and are falling apart trying to plan for another child, or incapable of doing so. I also have traumatized clients whose babies were snatched away in the hospital because the

I could absolutely see there being a forensic evidence issue. As in, there's an established sexual relationship etc, so if the accused does not confirm the events as described by the victim, it could be hard to establish a case. However, if he does confirm that he held her down or had sex with her while she was

There are also still lots of places in the US where marital rape is treated differently (i.e., has a higher bar for prosecution) than non-marital rape, which is infuriating to me.

One of my friends is a GNC manager and their clientele, at least at that store, are almost exclusively orthorexic gym rats (primarily men). So there are tons and tons of protein powders, shake mixes, all kinds of supplements for before and after workouts, etc but I don't know if they'd carry anything beyond Emer-Gen-C

I'm kind of baffled that you can't wrap your mind around some actors and actresses turning in a more impressive performance than others. Do you have the same trouble wrapping your mind around the Academy Awards, or is this blind spot exclusive to porn?

my BIL is a family practice doc, and he said whenever a patient starts talking about essential oils he starts making mental lists of things like favorite hair metal songs that start with "K" or whatever can distract him until they shut up.

Why are people so determined to believe that medical science is a big fat conspiracy while naturopaths and nutritionists selling pills are bound to be on your side?

Don't quote me on this, as I'm just guessing- it would be nice if this was a questioned asked for this article- but the AVN Awards are sponsored by AVN magazine. I believe the magazine is like the academy for the Oscars, and factors heavily in choosing the winners. I am not sure about the criteria though.

Every man in those pictures looks like a scumbag.

Good one. Loved your post.

But applying that argument that any kind of legal porn promotes the lifestyle is dangerous, because you can't say that one fantasy is legitimate and the other isn't just because of the content. If it remains a fantasy and these are consenting adults, it's fair. You don't have to like or watch it but you can't kink

I'm a little more worried by "Daughter get raped by big white father cock" and "Dad sells daughter hot pussy" that whatever you're going on about.