We've had zero access to all physical drives at my company, a bank, for years now. I cant believe you'd be able to plug a USB flash drive or put a writable disk into a computer with classified material. Just sayin'.
We've had zero access to all physical drives at my company, a bank, for years now. I cant believe you'd be able to plug a USB flash drive or put a writable disk into a computer with classified material. Just sayin'.
@smurfydog: Hmmm. Thanks for the info.
Maybe this means I'll finally be able to get iTunes genius playlists built on my Beatles music again. Unless I can't do that for some other reason - I assumed because iTunes doesn't sell the music, genius doesn't play nicely with it.
@HeroOfTomorrow is exuberantly happy: I dunno, that turtle looks pretty damn depressed.
@shwnchr: Muchas gracias!
@lancec50: I'm so tired of reading statements that begin with "Once Froyo hits the phone...", because it's almost always about a phone that's been so jacked by the hardware manufacturer and carrier's antics that you can't be sure when (or even if) it will actually get an update. I'll stick with my Nexus One until the…
Wookie the Chew! This might just cute me to death :]
I love beer in general, be it from a can, a bottle or a tap - so long as it's been properly handled in distribution, etc, it shouldn't matter how it's packaged.
@sweetelectro: indeed, it could always be faster. I can't wait for dual core phones. the power management options should be much more robust, for one - not to mention more sheer power :]
not so sure about cooler, maybe just cool, at long, long last...
@sweetelectro: My Nexus One doesn't feel slow yet, thankfully, which is all that really matters, in my view. And it's a good thing, too, since I don't know what I phone want to go with next now that there's apparently no Nexus Two in the works...
@eric46: that is dedication. you must be well loved.
@drago521: damn, was hoping it would stop sending me to the browser when I pressed on notifications :[ just updated and came on here to see what the update was about. thanks
@mjt308: Hopefully, if Facebook's Mr. Z himself is using Android now, he'll get pissed off enough to have it fixed...
@franco1975 [Troll ]: Not if you only earn $1,368 in a year.
@KamWrex: I was aware of that. I made the comment after seeing so on the photos.
@franco1975 [Troll ]: Not so sure I'd be smiling during the great depression...
One possible reason the color is so vivid is that they are reproductions from color slides, which in my experience tend to be extremely richly colored.
@mjt308: It's a bit sad that this is so far behind the iPhone version. I would have thought that the Android platform is now large and mature enough to warrant a bit more attention and energy from Facebook's developers.