
I have done something similar, but customized to my particular use case because I split my time between two homes. When my old MacBook Pro was starting to get long in the tooth, I decided to build a Hack Pro (i7 2600k) for my primary home computer, use the old MacBook Pro at the secondary dwelling and buy a Motorola

Anyone know of HD video chat options on Linux?

How about putting it on the back of an MRAP, instead of a HMMWV. I pity the soldiers detonating bombs with lasers from inside a vehicle that at best is poorly armored.

I bought a fancy new fridge recently, was shocked to find out that it beeps at me if I leave the door open too long.

Yeah, I'd like to know if it's worth switching from Lookout.

I have a 15" early-2008 MBP in which I've put a Corsair F120 SSD in the main drive bay and a 500 GB HDD in the optical slot.

I've been using the paid version of VirusBarrier X6 [www.intego.com] for a while now, can't remember anymore what I read that led me to chose it at the time.

I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords*

I did this recently on my Early 2008 15" MacBook Pro (2.4 Ghz Core 2 Duo). I used a mounting bracket from ifixit.com [www.ifixit.com]

That is awesome :)

Way to be, Google! If you're on Android 2.3.3, this update will bring you to 2.3.4 on a Nexus S and you'll have GTalk voice/video chat!

Ask and ye shall receive!!!! Way to be, Google! If you're on Android 2.3.3, this update will bring you to 2.3.4 on a Nexus S and you'll have GTalk voice/video chat!

I really find it odd that Google would include a front-facing camera on the Nexus S, but take this long before having any native video chat support in GTalk. Skype can almost be forgiven (it seems like they're slow to roll out new features in general), but Google not supporting one of the hardware features in their

I still can't bring myself to use Qik, Tango or Fring.

My old iPhone was just as bad - I don't really think you'll get away from this with any phone so long as people want thin phones with huge, power-draining screens on them with today's battery technology.

As for second batteries, I was having a hard time finding one for my Nexus S here in Moscow so decided on a whim really to buy an external one - charges the phone via the USB cable, is about half the size of the phone. It lets me charge the phone in a pinch on the run, and is actually good because I won't have to buy

One way around that would be to create detailed how-to instructions when making a new tool to allow people following you to use it. In my experience, that also shows to your higher-ups that you are able to train others, which is a higher-level skill. And in general, it allows you to work smarter, not harder :)

I believe that would be "бау чика вау-вау".

You don't use the special porn browsing feature? I think its called incognito browsing on Chrome and private browsing on Firefox.

I have had to set my browser to reopen all tabs when starting up because I do this so often.