
School Days is so freaking amazing. It's my favorite of his guitar songs, and he uses the guitar to do a call and response pattern to his vocals throughout the whole thing. To top it off TWICE you get to hear him roll that R on "Drrrrrrrrrrop the coin right into the slot."

I think Alvy Singer and LJo1 will appreciate this story. In 1978 a friend invited me to drive with him to NYC to catch John Cale at CBGB's. We split driving from Detroit and arrived at CBGB's in the afternoon. We got the front table and stayed all day until the show started. As Cale's set started, a guy was hustled to

I am truly glad you dodged that bullet. Sincerely.

I love the Marble Index/ Desertshore/ The End trilogy and listen to them in my car. Her song Afraid is like Schubert to me, and sits comfortably next to Winterreise.

I got to see Yule play in Lou's touring band, around the time of Coney Island Baby. 2nd row center at Detroit's Masonic Temple. Lou spit into the 1st row during Cheap Uptown Dirt.

I've loved it and played it at least monthly since buying it in 1972. My other 2 purchases that day? Cale's Academy in Peril and Lou's first solo lp. Much as I love their studio albums, my favorite is Live '69.

$1,100 plus a share of gate receipts if they get over $2,200! How could he afford to spend the $26 in his hand?

I didn't know about it beforehand, and it didn't seem at all like what I imagined Bill Paxton would pick. It really feels like you're peeking in on real life. Those two little girls whispering at night…

Paxton was a guest host on TMC The Essentials and turned me on to one of my favorite films, The Spirit of the Beehive. I bought the Criterion release, and I think of Bill Paxton every time I put it on. RIP

This is it exactly. And "Drive is maybe the greatest album opener of all time"? It's not even their greatest album opener. Feeling Gravity's Pull, Begin the Begin, Radio Free Europe?

I think you're right on the nose. BTW, the album of his I listen to the most is Don't Shoot Me.

I'll grant you that it is a perfect album for Rolling Stone…

I don't love it either. Admittedly, though, I only half-liked Out of Time. That was my moment of awakening.

This is what I wish I had written: clear, concise, and aware of the limitations of the genre and marketplace. Let me know when you start your blog. Thank you FPH (the F is silent).

I'm sorry for your loss Fischum. I watched it during the period when my dad was failing, and it really captured my relationship with that proud, difficult to reach, loving man.

If you get the chance, watch The Politician's Wife, with a masterful performance by Juliet Stevenson. A perfect BBC mini-series.

Venice is my favorite place in the world, and it's rarely looked better than in Summertime. Plus Darren McGavin as a louse!

Yes yes yes.

And you will have a great weekend. Terrific film on all counts.

Mann's Last of the Mohicans has magical powers over my wife, and that makes me very happy.