
I think I heard it referenced on Fresh Air that Clemons was told by a fan, "Your solo on Jungleland saved my life." He said something like, "I don't believe it saved someone's life, but I always play it like it just might." Forgive my scrambled retelling of a story that choked me up.

Nice pick!

I read that as "Carl" Solomon and was terribly confused for a moment. I'm with you in Rockland, Carl!

Baby Mine is my song when I miss my late mom. No better song.

This made me cry. I was thinking of all the things my late mom made for me, and all the fun times I had talking mindlessly at her while she cooked.

Thanks, I will follow up on that recommendation.

Sarah Vaughan live at Mr. Kelly's: I burned a CD for my favorite uncle to hear in his hospice room (he couldn't communicate anymore), and I got it back when he died. I love Sarah and this always reminds me of the uncle who taught me fly fishing, introduced me to Dylan and Odetta, and gave me 2 Modern Library

Absolutely right!

I agree about Bunny and Peter Tosh. Actually, my favorite Wailers album is the early stuff from the African Herbsman collection. (I swear I'm not being a hipster here —
I love the later stuff too, but Herbsman was the first one I bought ca 1975-76) The vocals sound like the Impressions!

You forgot to invite me over for the Roxy binge. I would've brought a bong…

No, sadly it was beyond their live talents at that stage. Lots of scene makers, lots of squalor, not so much of the musical chops on display. They played in a shitty strip mall next to the Gratiot Drive-In, which had been purchased and repurposed by legendary bad character Denny McClain. "Jet Boy" was a standout for

A product of being old, traveling in a circle of hipsters, and living in Detroit.

I saw Jonathan once, and he was brilliant.

I saw the Femmes on their 2nd album tour. Fearsome sound!

Lou Reed - 9 times.
Patti Smith - 5 times.
Aerosmith (only as opening act) - 4 times.
King Crimson - 4 times. (Plus Fripp solo or LofG 2x).
John Cale - 4 times.
Ramones - 4 times.
NY Dolls - 2 times.
Best of all, Sarah Vaughan with Count Basie Band - 1 time.

Great idea about a good author from my youth. Also, great name, Mr. Bumstead!

BTW, I love the Mothra poster!

My daughter took me to the Willie Nelson Outlaw Tour in Detroit. We missed the opening bands (a friend was painting at a local art festival, next to a food truck and a bar) but saw Sheryl Crow, Dylan, and Willie.
Crow was much better than I expected, and brought Willie's son Lukas out for a duet of Midnight Rider.

Agreed and agreed.

I hope she heals up quickly.