
I came here for this comment. Thank you.

It's just a hunch based on the "I'm not afraid of being a great American" feel of his latest ads. And, yeah, his last campaign was a joke. He ran as a Dem and lots of Repubs voted in the open primary so that they could beat him easily in the general.

LOL Between the sink hole, the sewage dumps, and the endless e-coli in Lake St. Clair we are really in deep shit.

I notice you left Macomb County out of your forecast.

ChancellorPuddinghead knows Michigan. The voters here would prefer Bob Seger, but they'd settle for Ritchie.

Lived here all my life, surrounded by Reagan democrats. Based on the latest commercials, I believe Geoffrey Fieger is gearing up for a run for office. Oh, and you're welcome.

Springsteen grinding his crotch into America's face may have earned a mention.

"1913 Massacre" around these parts, pardner.

Needed to include "so-called."

Agreed on the Bannon joke. That's what I've been thinking about, especially while reading commenters saying to cut back on the Trump jokes. When the target of satire is showing it is affecting him, you keep punching! Honestly, this is the worst part of the job for him.

Yeah, that's what I said when I saw him too. Glassy eyed, tripping over words, laughing before the joke was over… I've been that guy!

Not really that many though. I enjoy spending time here with all these bright, funny people.
So many other sites I go to are terrible due to the angry trolls.

Wonderful. I miss the horns from Red, and I can see why Cross quit since the violin can't compete with the bombast.

And Strawbs was the opening act, fresh on their Grave New World album release. (Kind of timely given the recent election… "May you rot / In your grave / New world…")

I just watched "Smile Like You Mean It" again with my daughter and found a pretty funny music cue. As Dwight leads the maniacs into the cryogenic chambers to grab Jerome, the music goes from Gary Glitter's "Papa Oom Mow Mow" to a crazy version of "Meet Me in St. Louis"'s Halloween music when Tootie is going to "kill

I saw that lineup 3 times in Detroit. They were killer instrumentalists, but they also rocked. I mean they had Slade for an opening act, for gods sake…

I think he means US-101, the coast highway from LA to San Francisco and on up to Washington. I've always heard it that way.

I'd probably swap out "Feel" for "O My Soul", but great choices. Actually I've been using Bettie Serveert's version of "I'll Keep It With Mine" or Dwight Twilley's "I'm On Fire" for the last few years. Also, for the last 2 months, "Blow at High Dough" has been waking me with that insistent bass line.

Exactly right on that description. On another note, I looked on IMDB and saw that he is officially listed as Jerome/Joker, so I guess they've semi-officially admitted he is.

Agreed. I just looked through American films of 2000, though, and couldn't pick out a standout film. I mean, I really enjoyed Wonderboys, Shadow of the Vampire, and Requiem for a Dream, but I've probably rewatched Me Myself and Irene more than any of those.