
@Beau Wilson: Psh, screw that. Crank up the AC dude. We're already paying for it, might as well be comfortable :D

@Beau Wilson: Psh, screw that. Crank up the AC dude. We're already paying for it, might as well be comfortable :D

@negitoro: And on mars, you'd be heating the tents instead of cooling them...space is rather cold...

@gravityiscool: Wow, someone needs to take a chill pill...way to blow out of proportion a comment meant only to portray "I don't find war funny"

"worn by people are varied as Lindsay"

I also think this is a rather over-sensationalistic title for something as common as the pervasion of science...same thing as blaming Einstein for the nukes being dropped on Hiroshima or the guy who invented dynamite for any tradgedies involving bombs. IBM couldn't predict that their machines would go from 'normal'

As soon as someone gets slammed for posting up karaoke on youtube, this law is toast.

@Denver is too damn high: Better worded, the best possible thing a band's publisher can do is attack the fan base to 'protect' their bottom line while still screwing over the musicians.

@38thsignal: It's rather helpful in engineering as well when you're trying to compare various models or results. Switching between windows is a pain in the rear, and getting both to reasonably fit on one screen pretty much reduces the amount of useful real estate to nothing (thanks to toolbars, menus, lists, etc. that

@AustinFound: Why would we be laughing about multi-monitor setups?

Was he even using an axe? Granted, his friends were chasing him around, but that seemed to take way too long to cut down a tree with that size of a trunk.

@SpeedyGonzalas: How on Earth did you get a star? A few friends of mine have served, and that much baggage seems like one helluva lot of excess, regardless of what they've gone through. I'm all for them having PCs and comforts of home to enjoy while out on deployment, but there's a difference between having some

That's what happens when you don't get permits or whatever to build a building (which he didn't). Cities tend to tell you to take down something you weren't allowed to build in the first place, especially something this large

@Porfirio Reyes: The article reads that his wasn't the only one that was smashed, and this wasn't exactly something that happened out behind the barn. Shootouts, counterintuitively, tend to draw a crowd once the dust settles.

@JohnnyLongarms: The only point I've heard in favor of making filming police illegal was in regards to streaming an op in progress - something that could be used to aid the criminals in question. But, even that allows for the op to be filmed, only played back at a later time. Every other point has been utter and

Just give the ghosts the trash-talking voice of pre-pubescent british children over low quality audio channels...that's more than enough to make anyone, man or machine, kill themselves.

@Daniël Johannes Louw: It's Gizmodo, since when have they not been extremely slanted towards apple?

@Mancha: We don't design the seats, those are the mechanical engineers you want.

How much essence did that hand cost him? Must consult rulebook...