
@Darth Meow 504: Technically, he wasn't in Afghanistan...so even if Bush had focused there we wouldn't have found him.

I'm an aero guy, not a materials, lol...I work on the 'air jacket' he mentioned to keep the parts cooled. I only work with the turbine parts as well (high temps), so the compressor stuff is for the people on the floor above me. Whenever we run heat transfer stuff for most of those parts we use nickel properties or

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: That's not titanium, or usually isn't. Titanium is usually too expensive and/or has too low of a melting point. It's generally a nickel-based superalloy for the high temperature parts, and just plain steel for low temperature ones.

@Interface_Revisions_Without_Co...: Uh, unless it's a lift-generating body, you're not going to get any vertical forces from a horizontal one...

@Null_187: Technically, it's already been hacked...for a long time. All the crazy YouTube videos of what people have done with it are hacks. MS is just saying, "Here's the keys, you don't have to hotwire the car anymore."

I've used FireFTP (addon to Firefox) and it has served rather well. Can't speak for others, as I haven't given them a try. Using linux with ssh and scp works as well if that's enabled with your host (Dreamhost allows that).

Turbines are meant to turn some kind of potential energy - chemical, thermal, gravitational, wind, etc. - into kinetic energy. That kinetic energy is then either funneled through a nozzle to produce thrust, or run through more turbine to turn an electric generator. You'd need some kind of significant potential force,

Technically it's not Gizmodo, it's the folks over at Jezebel that named it (note the "Republished" title at the top)

Isn't just computer majors...

New design is terrible, bulky, and a blatant attempt to generate more revenue from ads at the expense of much more than necessary screen real estate.

@comrade_leviathan: he left the good idea in Germany - we have speed limits on our highways

Are the over-sensationalist titles really this necessary? This one's proven to be misleading with the first sentence of the article.

Of course not. You know his kids, Tommy and Dil? And their friends, Phil, Lil, and Chuckie?

@rhetoricfromwithin: Pretty sure it's just the angle it's photographed from. In the second picture, it looks relatively normal.

@KamWrex: I would say that they definitely haven't lost their freedom of speech, seeing as the country is in the throes of an uprising. They just can't communicate as well as they did before.

@joiacum: As if it couldn't get any more disrespectful...

Could someone tell me why you would put jeans in the freezer? I've never heard of that before

@You: 13 days seems a little conservative in that respect

@heartagram_ben: Makes sense to me, got a little overzealous with commas maybe and could probably use a semicolon, but it makes sense