
"you're probably engaged win a marathon session with"

@Mr Quacker: It looks like that's an intentional design shift - doesn't seem like the hexagonal matrix is supposed to be uniform.

@mykalt45: Technically, they get cloned every day. There are test-tube babies that are fertilized outside of a mother and injected into her womb to grow up - helps with infertility. I forget the exact name for that procedure, though.

@Dabamasha: So it's ethically wrong to bring back someone who's had a heart attack? That's deciding what lives and what dies - it's going against natural selection. Not any different in this case.

@Sora57: Honestly, what could go wrong with it? Worst case scenario - it dies. Best case, science gets a mammoth to study.

@Twyst3d: They never said you could lose influence points from voting with the minority.

@rashad123us: Linked article says it's a "Jet Pump"

@Jakooboo- C8H10N4O2: Wonder if anyone has pondered protesting outside of their church.

So where are the flame colorants? I'm pretty sure they could make green, blue, orange, red and yellow pretty easily

@Zanzan42: No different really than blackjack. It's not like you put down the same money for every hand.

@Thangka: Hoping that there is a [sarcasm] [/sarcasm] tag on that...

Wonder if you'd need it for /b/

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this used on the large GPUs? Granted, the programming languages are different (which is why we don't use GPUs as main processors) but I thought we'd already managed to cram loads of GPU cores into a single GPU

@Buzz Mega: I'm not well versed in all current de-icing methods, but the biggest concern of airlines right now is squeezing every last ounce of energy possible out of the fuel to get better mileage out of an airplane. Engine companies spend millions of dollars just trying to gain an extra 0.01% efficiency in the

@rhorizon: If they're using bleed air, it's either out of the exhaust or a much earlier compressor stage. I can't see them using air that's so 'expensive' just to de-ice when there are 'cheaper' sources.

@Flambino: Technically, the hot air is just a way to put more energy into the flow and what the point of fuel is. Jet engines use an axial compressor to compress the air at ratios up to 30:1 (might be off for aircraft, I'm used to land based engines for electricity) which heats the air a little bit, then fuel is

@BrutishAcademic: There is a decent amount of heat ejected through the exhaust, but then things become a materials problem. You're now adding thermal stresses as well as thermal cycles to the support structures of the wing. Think about bending a paper clip constantly until it finally breaks - same concept with thermal

Logitech G13 Nostromo

@kyre: ...you change the password? Just because a password is compromised doesn't mean the entire system is compromised. He just generates another set of random characters and plugs it in.